Sunday, May 24, 2020
Military Service And Civilian Life - 912 Words
Not a lot of people know the actual challenges of what military men and women go through with their families. Until now, individuals have this misconception that the military life is as ordinary to any regular civilian life. Many of the common beliefs that people assume about military service members is he or she; serves their country, go out to war occasionally, and handle constant deployments easily without a struggle. While this is the case, civilians fail to recognize that military spouses and children face many obstacles when they are separated from their service member. The most difficult challenge that many families go through is separated from their service member during a deployment. Often times, individuals make the mistake that military men and women only deploy for war. However, military service members have to leave for other military purposes such as training missions and school. â€Å"Since 2008, there has been a significant increase in the number of soldiers who hav e spent two or more years (25+ months) cumulatively deployed.†(RAND) With the large amount of deployments and separation from military service members; it can be an emotional roller coaster for spouses and children. Several studies have shown that military spouses and children who are emotionally affected by their loved one being away experienced depression, anxiety, and loneliness. In addition, when service men and women are not present in their child’s life; children feel lost and doShow MoreRelatedThe Soldier For Life- Transition Assistance Program1371 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Anytime one is dealing with a transition in their life, there will always be the unknown. That’s exactly how I felt when retiring from the United States Army. After being with one career for 21 years of my life, that’s all I really knew. I faced many challenges when dealing with â€Å"Life after the Military†. The military has provided a program that helped me deal with my transition from soldier to civilian life. Getting out of the Military after a long period of time leads to so many uncertaintiesRead MoreVeterans Adapting to Civilian Life1226 Words  | 5 Pageslives after military service. The essay probes three articles of various scholars in the field of media writing, nutrition, and psychology, using an analytical method, this essay examines the rhetorical appeals of scholarly reports that identify issues that affect veterans as they transit from military life to civilian life. For the purpose of this paper, three stories are considered: â€Å"War s A ftermath: Easing the Return to Civilian Life†by Sara Frueh and Christine Stencel; â€Å"Ex-service personnel struggleRead MoreTodays Military: Conservative, Right, And Principled Essay1628 Words  | 7 PagesAmericas society today is going through rough times; times where America is looking to its military protect and represent them. This military needs fight for every freedom the American people have, as well as to be its voice across seas to those it interacts with, to be its eyes seeing what the real situation is, to be its ears in hearing all that cannot be heard from the television sets of American homes, and to be its brain in understanding what is actually going on and why. However, this isRead MoreThe Job Of The Drill Sergeants Essay1519 Words  | 7 Pagesof life and that is often a factor in the way our leadership styles are shaped. Our differences of race, gender, religion, home environment, and lifestyle all have an effect on the way we are led growing up . It is a skill that is mastered over time, while never being perfected. Like anything else in life, leadership skills are often developed from who we are, where we come from and the people in our life who have taught us their knowledge. This is especially true for members of the military. TheyRead MoreMilitary Management and the Civilian Sector1252 Words  | 6 PagesMilitary Management and the Civilian Sector The Military Prepares its Managers for the Front Lines But does it Prepare them for the War of Big Business? Prepared by: Joseph Foster Strayer University CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…2 Context of the ProblemÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..2 Statement of the ProblemÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…...3 Significance of the StudyÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…...4 Objectives of the StudyÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..5 Research MethodsÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Read MoreMilitary Vs. Civilian Life1270 Words  | 6 PagesMany civilians end up thanking veterans for their service without knowing how their lives actually differ. Military life can offer many differences that civilian life cannot. Having lived both lives, I have an inside perspective on the differences between the two. These differences can include laws, regulations, and the different types of punishment one may receive. Although, everything between the two may seem different, there is also a similarity. That similarity, is encountering the same personalityRead MoreMilitary For Civilian Life And Supporting Their Families1046 Words  | 5 PagesMilitary returning to Civilian Life and supporting their Families Millions of combat veterans are returning from various campaigns including Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and America’s latest campaigns in Afghanistan and will need support to transition from military combat life to family life and a civilian existence. A variety of support personnel and services are needed to help veterans transition successfully. Veterans suffer from physical and mental health problems whichRead MoreMilitary For Civilian Life And Supporting Their Families1032 Words  | 5 PagesMilitary returning to Civilian Life and supporting their Families Millions of combat veterans are returning from various campaigns including Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and America’s latest campaigns in Afghanistan and will need support to transition from military combat life to family life and a civilian existence. A variety of support personnel and services are needed to help veterans transition successfully. Veterans suffer from physical and mental health problems whichRead MoreBridging The Gap : The Innate Cultural Disconnect Between Civilian And Military Life1552 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween Civilian and Military Life Over the last 14 years, the United States has undergone the longest era of war in its history, yet that era of conflict has had little to no personal impact on the lives of average Americans (Zucchino). For countless cultures and millennia, military forces have served as something of a microcosm of society, with the gulf between military and civilian cultures sometimes seeming completely unnavigable. In recent years, however, the void between American military lifeRead MoreThe Effects Of Duty Station On The Workplace944 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom the service member. Due to the high cost of moving, as well as the inability of unmarried service members of low rank to live off-base, it makes more financial sense to marry. Once married the military then pays for spouse and family relocation, therefore when a permanent change of duty station is imminent tying the knot can seem prudent to a couple that is unwilling to separate. According to Lundquist and Xu, both warzone deployments and permanent changes of duty station can heavily impact
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Media s Growing Sexualization Of Women - 1402 Words
If you turn on the television or flip through a fashion magazine, it is very likely you will presented with many displays of hypersexualization of girls and women in advertising images and in media. There are many components to sexualization. It occurs, according to the American Psychological Association, when â€Å"a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics.†This person is held to a standard that equates physical attractiveness with being sexy. â€Å"Sexualization†happens when a person is sexually objectified- that is, made into a thing for others’ sexual use, rather than being seen as a person with their own independent actions and abilities to make decisions. Oftentimes, sexuality is inappropriately imposed upon a person without their knowing it or consent. Sometimes, researchers use the word â€Å"hypersexualization†to describe roughly the same idea. In the article, â⠂¬Å"Media’s Growing Sexualization of Women†, hypersexualization is defined as, â€Å"The act of making something extremely sexual and erotic.†The hypersexualization of females is fairly prevalent across different cultures. The media seems to be bombarded by it; magazines are plastered with risque images of barely clothed woman and even young girls. In 2011, a French issue of Vogue featured females as young as ten years-old as models, â€Å"Stretched and slinked on an array of animal furs.†Their clothing was low cut and revealing. This prompted the FrenchShow MoreRelatedMedia s Representation Of Women1197 Words  | 5 PagesMedia’s Representation of Women; Lies and Disguise Media influence causes 69 percent of girls, in one study, to state that magazine models impact their idea of the perfect body shape. This drastic affect on a young person s life creates a reality that women need to alter the way they look to be ‘perfect.’ Media also portrays women as helpless beings, needing a man by their side to complete easy tasks in which they can do on their own. There is also the aspect of strong women being sexy, and not theRead MoreThe Sexualization of Women Today1692 Words  | 7 PagesThe TV and Film Industry’s Portrayal of Women has drastically affected many of their lives, much too often women compare themselves to the female images they see on television, film, and advertisings; at both the conscious and subconscious level, these media images of women lower self-esteem and affect behavior at every age and stage of life. We know they are unrealistic, yet they apply so much pressure on women to conform, and influence how we live, lov e, work and play. This gender role that societyRead MoreThe Sexualization Of Girls Who Do We Blame2112 Words  | 9 Pages Sexualization of Girls Who Do We Blame Who is to blame for how young girls are being portrayed on television and in music videos? Has it come to society putting more emphasis on money instead of protecting girls from being exploited in today’s new culture? This seems to be a growing problem across the United States that has caused some concern as to how it is affecting girl’s psychological well-being as well as their health. (Hatch, L., 2011) Girls are no longer interested in playing with dollsRead MoreHow Has Sexualization Affected Family? Essay3105 Words  | 13 Pagespredominantly contributed to this, but just as very well been negatively affected by this as well. Developing from past generations of media tabloids, advertising and twisting the cultural views on sex taboo and symbols, have led to distortion of male and female sexuality. This Literary Review will cover the question; how has sexualization affected family? Sexualization refers to the development of sexual thought associating with a sexu al expression (Collins English Dictionary, 2013). Faced with a preconceivedRead MoreLeda And The Swan Poem Analysis1260 Words  | 6 Pagesschemed phrasings and rhythmic lines piece together enchanting brief stories about the past, present, and future. Enlightening the audience of the mystical tales about Greek gods and goddesses that depict the cynical dehumanization and assault of women, and as well as the scenic mountains of Vermont, where an incident and the death of a young man is symbolic to the constant warfare that the soldiers endure daily. Likewise, allusion in the poems â€Å"Leda and the Swanâ€Å" by W. B. Yeats, â€Å"Out, Out---†byRead MoreSexism Within Advertising : A New Era Of Social Justice1397 Words  | 6 Pagesadvertising. Sexism is obviously apparent in advertising due to the fact that it solidifies toxic gender roles, introduces women as objects that can merely be bought, and sexualizes normal woman processes. Gender stereotyping may be one of the most common forms of sexism in advertising. These stereotypes can be broken down into three categories: the stereotype that portrays women as house workers, the stereotype that shows the inability for a woman to be anything without a man, and the stereotype thatRead MoreThe Differences Between Men And Women1837 Words  | 8 Pages The difference of men and women are usually defined by the organs they develop, and the ways in which those are used. Upon opening most magazines, a warm greeting from a woman’s slim, photoshopped body or an oddly attractive man with a six pack will be offered. Many advertising agents would apply various techniques to get customers involved with their product and one of the most common ones is using sexual content in the advertising. It has been proven that media that involves sexual content gainsRead MoreUnrealistic Expectations: Gender Roles Effects of Society1414 Words  | 6 PagesExpectations: Gender Roles Effects of Society â€Å"My dear boy, no woman is a genius. Women are a decorative sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly. Women represent the triumph of matter over mind, just as men represent the triumph of mind over morals.†In 1890, when Oscar Wilde wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray, the attitude towards women was nowhere close to positive. Men did not look at women with much respect and only thought of them as domestic trophy wife. According to OscarRead MoreSexuality And The American Psychological Association1921 Words  | 8 Pagesthey shamed and sexualized. Hyper-sexualization is defined by the American Psychological Association as â€Å"occurring when a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior to the exclusion of other characteristics†(Jones). By this definition all qualities of a person is negated by their sex appeal. Then how can people hypersexualize children and youth? Aren’t they innately innocent? In recent years, the amount of women being sexualized in the media has dramatically increased in frequency;Read MoreThe Importance Of Equal Pay, Rights And Opportunity For Women Involved With Sports1629 Words  | 7 Pagespay, rights and opportunity for women involved with sports. This topic was selected because this is evident based on the staggering numbers of women performing and displaying either equal or more in terms of success, achievement or work load and still are behind when comparing salaries between men and women. Hopefully, this podcast will shine some light on this subject and bring awareness. Based on prior research conducted the numbers are comparing the USA women s soccer. It is safe to say these
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Crime And The Punishments For Criminal Offences - 2120 Words
This essay will explore theories of crime and the causes of crime along with the roles of prisons and the punishments for criminal offences. To conclude this essay will research prison conditions and statistics and the alternatives to prison. According to the Oxford dictionary ‘crime’ is defined as, â€Å"An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.†Wilson and Herrnstein confirm this definition – â€Å"any act committed in violation of a law that prohibits it and authorizes punishment for its commission.†(p22 1986) Criminology has concentrated its research primarily â€Å"at elucidating the connection between crime and the personal characteristics of the offender or his environment.†Hurwitz (p1 1983) Some of the most common theories include; Biological, Sociological and Psychological. Biological theories have explained causes of crime through inherited genes and evolutionary factors. Cesare Lombroso developed the first biological theory â€Å"based on physical measurements he collected from Italian prisoners and non-criminal military personnel.†Rice (2014) Lombroso believed criminals are â€Å"dangerous individual marked by what he call ed ‘anomalies’.†Lombroso (p1 2006). Criminals â€Å"had been born with ‘atavistic’ features†¦or sometimes just savage features.†Rice (2014) The physical atypicalities consisted of; flattered or upturned nose, large jaw, high cheekbones, long arms, thick skulls and handle shaped/large ears. Charles Goring (1913), conducted aShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of An Incomplete Attempt909 Words  | 4 Pagesstated that the ‘affirmed punishment must only be in accordance with the actions that have been committed’ (Jacqueline M, 2013). Further arguing that incomplete should have greater leniency than complete attempts is due the attempter’s chance of voluntary abandonment. The attempter may change his mind voluntarily and not gone through with the unlawful act. From my personal perspective, I feel it would be legally and morally justified for the attempter to occur the same punishment as that of the completedRead MoreCriminology And Breaking Of Law821 Words  | 4 PagesïÆ'Ëœ Criminology: Criminology is the scientific study of crime including its reason, action by agencies or government and methods of control or prevention. According to Edwin Sutherland he defined criminology as the study of the making of laws, the breaking of laws, and society’s reaction to the breaking of laws. o Making of laws: A proposal for a new law or a change to an existing one is called a bill. The stages involved in law making includes bill, first reading, second reading, committee stageRead MoreClassical Criminology And Modern Criminology1412 Words  | 6 Pages‘offender’, as well as the use of punishment as a deterrence. Yet whilst classical criminology has evolved slightly over time, it’s narrow minded focus on the ‘offence’ rather than the ‘offender’ can result in the overlooking of crucial details that may have facilitated the offence. Such details can include low-socio economic upbringing, mental health issues or social inequality. Therefore, when dealing with youth crime in Melbourne, only a limited amount of crime is explainable as classical criminologyRead MoreThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Community Service or Social Service as Modes of Criminal Punishment.1365 Words  | 6 PagesCommunity service or social servi ce as modes of criminal punishment. Community service or social service is a mode of punishment provide by the law which the offender can escape imprisonment or fines. Community service acts as an alternative to the harsh criminal punishment. Generally, community service is handed down by a judge or magistrate to the first-timer offender or teenage offender. This punishment can also be handed down in the case of minor offences for example traffic violations, petty theftRead MoreContemporary Classicism In Criminology710 Words  | 3 Pagesfield of criminal behavior research. The theories of classicism are arguably the foundation of our modern day criminal justice approaches. The classicalist approach to criminology was developed in the eighteenth century, where thinking emerged in response to the harsh forms of punishment that dominated society in the time. This period is known as ‘the enlightenment period’ and the first traces of contemporary classicism are found in a booked by Cesare Beccaria titled â €˜On crime and punishment’ (BeccariaRead MoreYoung Persons who Commit Murder Should be Tried as Adults Essay675 Words  | 3 PagesThe youth of our country are capable of many accomplishments. These range from outstanding community service to committing indictable offences. Today young people are fortunate enough to have similar privileges as adults such as driving/ operating countless types of vehicles, being left to take responsibility for children (babysitting) and themselves. With all of these privileges and responsibilities that youth gladly undertake, they should be required to accept appropriate consequences for theirRead MoreDefining Crime As A Social Phenomenon Essay1074 Words  | 5 Pages1) What is meant by term criminology is the body of knowledge that regards crime as being a social phenomenon; it can include the many processes involved in making laws, breaking laws, and also has a hand in how we as a society react to the breaking of crimes, so in short, rules assist in regulating behavior. 2) Rules act as the key principle in allowing society to function as smoothly as possible; without rules or regulations society would not have the structure and balance it currently has orRead MoreThe Law Of A Uniform Sentencing Guidelines1126 Words  | 5 Pagesstage is extremely important as it not only determines what punishment will be imposed upon the convict but also decides the deterrent effect it will have on potential sex offenders. In India, a uniform sentencing policy does not exist, as neither the legislature nor the judiciary has supplied any formal guidelines. However, the need for the same has been repeatedly recognized by both. For instance, the Committee on Reforms of Criminal Justice System (Malimath Committee) published its report in MarchRead MoreWhy Do We as a Society Need a Criminal Justice System?1179 Words  | 5 PagesWHY DO WE AS A SOCIETY NEED A CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM? Introduction The criminal justice system is comprised of a basic formation, the law enforcement agencies, the courts, and the correctional services. This system has existed since ancient times and although the three facilities haven’t completely been replaced over the centuries, there has been a lot of change and amendment to how the system is used to investigate, deter, and keep order and control in today’s society. It is a fundamental partRead MoreHarsher Sentencing Policies And More Punitive Laws1249 Words  | 5 Pagesgoals including rehabilitation, incapacitation, punishment and deterrence. Recent decades have seen the enactment of sentencing policy initiatives with the aim of enhancing the criminal justice systems deterrent effect. The term deterrence underlines the discouragement of an individual from doing something for doubt or fear (Tonry 24). Casare Beccaria, the father of classical criminology, believed that certainty, severity, and swiftness could deter crime. He expressed that as certainty of penalization
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Financial And Managerial Accounting Mason â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Financial And Managerial Accounting Mason? Answer: Introduction This study deals with four type of information that every company need for competing with other companies (Williams, 2014). This information includes external drivers, strategy, performance as well as resources and relationships. Each of the information is composed of different specific elements in the PWC Value Framework that guides management for analyzing the organizational health as well as organizational performance. In addition, each of the 17 elements had been evaluated in terms of comprehensiveness as well as accessibility for finding organizational health and organizational performance of Akzonobel in Netherlands (, 2017). Akzonobel is one of the Dutch Multinational Company that helps in creating everyday essentials (, 2017). This particular company operates in the chemicals industry and leads as a global paints as well as performance Coatings Company that supplies essential ingredients, essential color to industries and consumers in and across the world. Akzonobel was founded in the year 1994 and headquartered in Netherlands. Akzonobel operates in three main business areas and corporate functions that have equal business responsibility and autonomy in action. Comprehensiveness On analysis, it is found out that the major strategic objective of Akzonobel is to carry the supportable progress in form of earnings that takes place from expanded selection as it is comprised by layouts and products. The company had set out list of comprehensive targets that will be achieved by the year 2030 as it covers main three areas such as economic, environmental as well as social that complies with sustainable development. The main goals of Akzonobel is to achieve strategic advantages by taking into account the capabilities or in other term production of the business for developing good business residency in a challenging, safe and pleasing setting for their personnel as well as enhancing the valuation of stakeholders of business enterprise (Wild, Shaw and Chiappetta, 2012). Accessibility It is important to understand the fact that the strategic objectives of the company named as Akzonobel can be easily accessed by looking at the integrated report of the business for the year 2016. Here, the main objectives are already mentioned in the form of list that aligns with the objectives where the company has to face any risks or challenges for attainment of future objectives of the firm. However, the strategic objectives of Akzonobel can be easily accessed for analyzing the organizational healthcare. It is understood that the quality of organizational health information for the element named as tactical objectives that are mention in the PWC Value Framework is considered to be good and simply accessible in the integrated report that is well-formatted and easy for considerate purpose (Wild and Shaw, 2012). Comprehensive At Akzonobel, future sustainability developments are already planned by the World Business Council where they will attain sustainability development by the year 2050. This can be attained where customer durables are predictable to last longer as well as reprocessing of packing will be done that are clearly mentioned in the business models (Whitecotton, Libby and Phillips, 2012). By the year 2050, the World Business Council had forecasted that people will only use five tons of non-renewable materials down as compared to today that is 85 tons. Akzonobel build on strong chemical platforms that aim at delivering profitable growth in some of the selected markets. There are several challenges present in the Brazilian economy that Akzonobel had to face. The Unique Chemical Island business model aims at delivering a healthy presentation from both costs as well as sustainability perspective. Most of the innovative companies of today are acceptance ever-evolving business models that aim at off ering a clear link to longer-term financial achievement as a whole. Accessibility The business model of Akzonobel can be easily retrieved from the annual report of the business for the year 2016. There is clear mention of the business models in the annual report of Akzonobel and this help in understanding the business model in easier way. It is important to highlight the fact that information relating to business model can be easily manageable from the annual report of Akzonobel where it is clearly formatted and easy accessible (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2015). However, it can be decided by saying that quality of the society health for the element business model in the PWV Value Framework is good. Governance At Akzonobel, they believe in performing business inherently that involves risk-taking activities. They believe in seeking help from balanced risks where the company strive to become successful as well as respectful company. Here, risk management is one of the essential element in the corporate governance as well as strategy development activities. At Akzonobel, they aspire to be become highest standards of corporate governance as well as seek to constantly improve and improving corporate governance enactment that emphasizes transparency and surrounding a maintainable philosophy of long-standing worth formation (Warren, Reeve Duchac, 2013). Accessibility The corporate governance of Akzonobel can be easily retrieved from the annual report of the company. The data is certainly accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel and it is well-formatted and easy to understand as well. It is thereby noted that the data about the element Corporate Governance has been mentioned and concise properly under different sub headings. There is clear representation of governance in the report and determined that the quality of the organization health for the element governance in the Value Framework is good. The risk management framework of Akzonobel seeks to deliver sensible declaration where the corporate objectives can be attained in accordance to the customer obligations (Sowmya Mounika, 2016). The framework is aligned with the Enterprise Risk Management that controls the systems as well as major business risks that is constantly reviewed by the Audit Committee as well as Supervisory Board. Akzonobel constantly attempt to nurture a high awareness of corporate risks as well as internal regulator that gears up towards presenting risk appetite and rendering a transparency in the business processes as a whole. Furthermore, the Executive Committee of Akzonobel are mainly accountable for managing the associated risks with the activities and establishes satisfactory operational of suitable risk administration as well as regulator schemes. The risk management of Akzonobel can be easily retrieved from the annual report of the company. The data is definitely accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel and it is well-formatted and easy to understand as well. It is thereby noted that the information about the element risk management has been mentioned and summarized properly under different sub headings (Shim and Siegel, 2012). There is clear representation of risk management in the report and determined that the quality of the organization health for the element risk management in the Value Framework is good. Remuneration The remuneration report of Akzonobel highlights the remuneration policy as well as remuneration paid to members of the Board of Management for the year 2016. In addition, the remuneration and separate contracts of the Board members of the Board Management as resolute by the Supervisory Board. The remuneration policies take into account all structures and policies that relates to the remuneration as well as employment contracts of the Board members management that aligns with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. The remuneration policies of Akzonobel has the objective to provide remuneration in a firm so that there is retention and engagement of members of the Board Management as top managers of main intercontinental business enterprise at the time of protecting and promoting objectives of Akzonobel. The remuneration structure design of Akzonobel supports both short-term as well as long-term objectives. Furthermore, the remuneration policies of Akzonobel align properly with the Board that works well to provide market with a competitive remuneration that uses medium levels of the peripheral marketplace as an orientation point (Shiller, 2012). The remuneration report of Akzonobel can be easily retrieved from the annual report of the company. The data is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel and it is well-formatted and easy to understand as well. It is thereby noted that the information about the element remuneration has been mentioned and summarized properly under different sub headings. There is clear representation of remuneration in the report and determined that the quality of the organization health for the element remuneration in the Value Framework is good. Resources and relationships At Akzonobel, the tangible assets are treated as financial assets of the firm. From the balance sheet figures of Akzonobel, it can be noted about the financial position of the company as a whole (Pretorius Ronan, 2015). The current assets are shown in the balance sheet of Akzonobel for the year 2015 and 2016. The current assets of Akzonobel are treated as tangible assets that are actually financial assets for the company. From the information gathered from the annual report of Akzonobel, it is noted that the financial assets takes into account inventories, current tax assets, trade receivables as well as cash and cash equivalents. There is constant increase in the total financial assets of Akzonobel from the year 2015 to 2015 and it shows that the company has strong financial condition during this period. After evaluating the annual report of Akzonobel for the year 2016, there was nowhere mentioned about financial assets. This leads to confusion among the financial users when they face difficulty to identify the financial assets from the balance sheet of Akzonobel. It is recommended to Akzonobel that they should include the terminology of financial assets in the annual reports so that the users can easily track the information and data for research purpose. To that, there was clear mention about current assets in the balance sheet but financial assets lack proper information and data (Otley Emmanuel, 2013). However, it is noted that the accessibility of financial assets is not easy and determined that the quality of health for the element financial assets in the Value Framework is bad. Physical assets The non-current assets are treated as intangible assets for Akzonobel where the non-current assets are intangible assets are the physical assets. From the annual report of Akzonobel, it is noted the balance sheet values as well as list of non-current assets are easily accessible (Noreen, Brewer and Garrison, 2012). This takes into account Property, Plant and Equipment, deferred tax assets, investments in associates and joint ventures, other financial non-current assets and intangible assets. From the balance sheet of Akzonobel, the total non-current assets increased from 2015 to 2016. After evaluating the annual report of Akzonobel for the year 2016, there was nowhere mentioned about physical assets. This leads to confusion among the financial users when they face difficulty to identify the physical assets from the balance sheet of Akzonobel. It is recommended to Akzonobel that they should include the terminology of physical assets in the annual reports so that the users can easily track the information and data for research purpose. To that, there was clear mention about non-current assets in the balance sheet but physical assets lack proper information and data (Needles, Powers Crosson, 2013). However, it is noted that the accessibility of financial assets is not easy and determined that the quality of health for the element physical assets in the Value Framework is bad. Customers The customer of Akzonobel includes consumers, paint distributors in and across the world and has large retail outlets like B Q, OBI and Leroy Merlin. Akzonobel leads as a supplier for performance of coatings with strong product technologies as well as brands (Needles Crosson, 2013). The high quality products of Akzonobel are used by the clienteles in and across the world for protecting and enhancing everything from ships, aircraft, cars, architectural components like building products, operational steel and flowing and consumer goods like appliances, furniture and beverage cans. Akzonobel believes in providing value to their customers, employees, investors as well as society so that the company is in better position and aims at achieving tactical idea of foremost market positions that delivers foremost presentation. After evaluating the annual report of Akzonobel for the year 2016, there was nowhere mentioned about customers in clear ways. In order have clear information and data about customers of the company, the financial user need to go through the annual report again. However, it is noted that the accessibility of customers is not easy and concluded that the quality of health for the element customers in the Value Framework is bad. From the annual report of Akzonobel for the year 2016, it is noted that people means employees, trade unions, work councils as well as bargaining councils and educational institutions (Mowen, Hansen and Heitger, 2012). Akzonobel recognizes the benefits of maintaining as well as fostering the strong relations with the stakeholders through transparent communication. In addition, the continuing incorporation of the workforces is openly transferred from recent learned business to Akzonobel. The management of Akzonobel is of the opinion that employees are the real assets of the business and that will help in attainment of future success that nurtures the services, aptitude and capability of the overall workforces working for the firm. The data about people and culture of Akzonobel can be easily retrieved from the annual report of the company. The data is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel and it is well-formatted and easy to understand as well. It is thereby noted that the information about the element people and culture has been mentioned and summarized properly under different sub headings (Miller-Nobles, Mattison Matsumura, 2017). There is clear representation of people and culture in the report and determined that the quality of the organization health for the element people and culture in the Value Framework is good. The strategic focus of Akzonobel is to drive innovation for supporting organic growth that is gathered momentum. The company had launched a series of products that offers various profits in terms of sustainability outline. For instance, Akzonobel presented an ingredient for detergent makers that allows in meeting severe conservational guidelines and accepted by the US Food and Drug Administration. The company had given major emphasis upon digital innovation as it is the main area of attention and plays major role in product development as well as how the company works with the customers (Kensinger, 2013). The information about innovation of Akzonobel can be easily retrieved from the annual report of the company (Eilifsen, et al., 2013). The information is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel and it is well-formatted and easy to understand as well. It is thereby noted that the information about the element innovation has been mentioned and summarized properly under different sub headings. There is clear representation of innovation in the report and decided that the quality of the organization health for the element innovation in the Value Framework is good. Akzonobel aims at continue building brands as well as using the product and margin management approaches so that they can achieve adequate profitability levels. The mitigating actions employed by Akzonobel will be build strong brand strategy for their employees (Edmonds, Tsay and Olds, 2012). Akzonobel occupies the topmost position in the decorative paints in and across the world. Akzonobel continues to drive brands with consumer tested communication as well as better rights in the required way. Akzonobel continues to build ways for strengthening the regional professional brands after clearly defining product offer, clear benefit claims as well as improved packaging. The brands of Akzonobel are fully aligns with the Planet Possible sustainability agenda. The information about brands of Akzonobel can be easily retrieved from the annual report of the company. The information is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel and it is well-formatted and easy to understand as well. It is thereby noted that the information about the element brands has been mentioned and summarized properly under different sub headings. There is clear representation of brands in the report and resolved that the quality of the organization health for the element brands in the Value Framework is good. Process and Supply chain The main focus of Akzonobel is to increase the level of productivity as well as efficiency in and across the business in terms of supply chain and operations. In addition, a large scale alteration is done on the combined on the supply chain that was intended to make more effectual in production, supply, and logistics as well as enables cost lessening and increase in the level of productivity (Edmonds et al., 2016). The information about process and supply chain of Akzonobel can be easily retrieved from the annual report of the company. The data is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel and it is well-formatted and easy to understand as well. It is thereby noted that the information about the element process and supply chain has been mentioned and summarized properly under different sub headings. There is clear representation of process and supply chain in the report and determined that the quality of the organization health for the element process and supply chain in the Value Framework is good. Organizational Performance At Akzonobel, there is 28% reduction on operational eco-efficiency footprint from the year 2009. Akzonobel believes in continuous building on solid foundation of operational excellence for driving growth as well as sharpening focus on delivering more value for people, customers and shareholders (Demski, 2013). Akzonobel have stronger operational as well as monetary groundwork for adapting to marketplace challenges as well as grasping development chances after closing adjustments as well as working capital requirements. Akzonobel is now a stronger as well as agile business with superior brands that has worldwide existence and solid operative and monetary groundwork. In order to drive at operational level, Akzonobel work with main key process that is reinforced by a series of actions that help the company to endure on planned path as well as taking performance in to next level. Information about organizational performance is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is related to operational factors that are presented in a well-formatted way in the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is properly mentioned in bullet points that make the financial user easy to understand and interpret. However, it can be determined that the quality of performance for the element operational in the Value Framework is good. Economic At Akzonobel, they build the capability as well as engagement with the employees and partners for delivering the performance and growth that contributes to economic development as well as health and well-being (Davis and Davis, 2012). The sustainability agenda mainly explains improvement of well-being of the employees and others that are present in the value chain by rendering innovative products as well as processes. Some of the economic and political uncertainty can be noted where the market trends in the second part of 2016 includes for the marine as well as oil and gas industries that are predictable to continue in the first half of 2017. Akzonobel has physically enhanced their ability to retort for growths in the market as well as taking measures for dealing with higher raw materials prices in an inflationary setting (Bhimani et al., 2017). Information about organizational performance is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is related to economic factors that are presented in a well-formatted way in the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is properly mentioned in bullet points that make the financial user easy to understand and interpret. However, it can be determined that the quality of performance for the element economic in the Value Framework is good. For the year 2016, Akzonobel employs total of 46,000 people. There is increase in the number of employees because of new hires in developing regions as well as people joining from the learned BASF Industrial Coatings business (Bloomfield, 2015). There is an urgent need to listen as well as involve with an ever-widening field of stakeholders in terms of communal accountability that need an extra courtesy to transparency, social impact assessment of activities as well as concern regarding fair trade and tax avoidance by large multinational corporations. The main aim of Akzonobel is to benefit the creation of more social value. Here, it is understood that social value can be enhanced by constant focus on safety as well as aptitude expansion and influence towards different communal accomplishments (Crosson Needles, 2013). Information about organizational performance is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is related to social factors that are presented in a well-formatted way in the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is properly mentioned in bullet points that make the financial user easy to understand and interpret. However, it can be determined that the quality of performance for the element social in the Value Framework is good. Environmental Akzonobel had announced relocation as well as development of large organic peroxides factory in the Tianjin region. The company utilizes state of the art technology as it help in meeting new as well as strict safety and conservational values that was presented by the Chinese Government (Braun et al., 2014). The company prioritizes carbon footprint administration through the value chain and leverages conservational values formation for driving financial performance in the most appropriate way. Akzonobel confronts with substantial costs that arise from environmental laws as well as regulations that take into account obligations for eliminating or limiting the effects on the setting of the disposal or releasing of certain wastes or substances at different sites. The conservational matter includes alleged discharge of chemicals or waste materials in different countries (Clark and Baker, 2012). Information about organizational performance is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is related to environmental factors that are presented in a well-formatted way in the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is properly mentioned in bullet points that make the financial user easy to understand and interpret. However, it can be determined that the quality of performance for the element environmental in the Value Framework is good. Segmental Akzonobel aims at securing a leadership position in all the market that the company actually serves. In the year 2016, Akzonobel continues to implement commercial excellence programs and these programs had been incorporated by the company by using the tools such as better understanding all customer segments, developing appropriate go to market models as well as enhancing sakes force efficiency and efficiency (Cherneva, 2012). Information about organizational performance is easily accessible from the annual report of Akzonobel. The information is related to segmental that are presented in a well-formatted way in the annual report of Akzonobel (Breuer, 2013). The information is properly mentioned in bullet points that make the financial user easy to understand and interpret. However, it can be determined that the quality of performance for the element segmental in the Value Framework is good. Nature of materiality At the time of determining level of materiality, Akzonobel actually consider the issues that relates to material that has the capability to influence the capability of the company by creating as well as sustaining value for the stakeholders of the firm in an adequate way. The Board Management of Akzonobel had agreed and measured that the tactical objectives of the company Akzonobel and highlights the Key Performance Indicators that are clearly mentioned in the annual report of Akzonobel. The company needs to constitute the material issues of Akzonobel. Therefore, material issues are clearly aligned with the approach of Akzonobel for managing the risks in the most appropriate way (Brewer, Garrison and Noreen, 2013). Conclusion From the above study, it is concluded that annual report as well as integrated report of Akzonobel plays major role in getting information regarding the company. 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