Thursday, December 26, 2019
How Does John Steinbeck Portray Loneliness and Isolation...
How does John Steinbeck portray loneliness and isolation in the novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men†? The novel of â€Å"Of Mice and Men†was written in the time of the great depression in the 1930’s in America, this was the time in which Professional workers became Migrant workers due to the Wall Street crash in 1929. The great depression caused many professional workers to turn to working in farmland harvesting wheat. John Steinbeck published the novel of â€Å"Of Mice and Men†in 1937 it is set in Salinas, California. The title of the novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men†comes from the poem To a mouse ‘The best laid schemes o mice and men Gang aft agley [often go wrong] and leave us nought but grief and pain For promised joy!’. The poem tells us that the best things†¦show more content†¦This was Lennie being child like and confirming the father figure he had been, George said that what Lennie had done did not matter. â€Å"I done another bad thing’.†â€Å" It don’t make no difference†. This displays loneliness by aunt Clara and the Rabbit coming out of Lennies’ head this symbolises surrealism, as no one would think they have big rabbits coming out of their heads speaking in their own voice unless they were like Lennie and have a mentality of a child. In the novel the character Crooks displays isolation. Crooks is the only black person on the ranch and because of his race he has been isolated from the rest of the ranch workers. By being isolated in to his own room in the stable he has had his human rights taken away from him. The author tells us he reads the California civil code for 1905, this is ironic having a black man reading about civil code when he has been isolated. Due to having his own room and been banned from the bunk house he is not used to having visitors, so when Lennie enters his room he over reacts top everything that Lennie says. â€Å"Why aint you wanted, cause I’m black. They play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all stink to me.†The way Crooks over reacts to Lennie speaking is because he does not know how to react to having white people talk to him and treat him like anyone else. Crooks does not have any dream left in him, as he has seen so many people comeShow MoreRelatedCurleys Wife Loneliness Analysis859 Words  | 4 Pages filled with loneliness and desperation portrayed by over 40% of the population. Loneliness, described as being isolated or having a feeling of little importance, or having little companionship with others. Everyone feels the loneliness creep upon them at some point in their lives. As we feel lonely, we feel the impact and must react some way to cope with the feeling and feel better with ourselves. As seen in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the devastating impact of loneliness on human beingsRead MoreTo What Extent Does Steinbeck Portray Dreams as Futile in ‘of Mice and Men’?1544 Words  | 7 PagesTo what extent does Steinbeck portray dreams as futile in ‘Of Mice and Men’? In Of Mice and Men, the hopes and dreams of the men on the ranch are a continuous focus and theme throughout the novel. John Steinbeck portrays the effects that dreams, or lack of them, have on the lives of the characters and the outcome of the novel. Steinbeck uses the concept of dreams at once to show hope and aspiration, as they invoke companionship with united determination for a better future, and to illustrate theRead MoreThere Are Many Different Factors That Can Cause Loneliness1715 Words  | 7 Pagescan cause loneliness and isolation in a person’s life. Many of these factors are present throughout Of Mice and Men. The environment and the people who surround that person can really impact the quality of life one lives. Although isolation occurs when a person separates themselves from others physically, a person can also be isolated inside their own minds, even with others around them. In John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men, Symbolism, imagery, and tone are used to show how isolation and lonelinessRead MoreLife of Americans in the 1930s in John Stienbecks of Mice and Men/Original Writing856 Words  | 4 PagesLife of Americans in the 1930s in John Stienbecks of Mice and Men/Original Writing What does John Stienbecks Of Mice and Men tell us about life in America in the 1930s? John Steinbecks novels can all be classified as social novels dealing with the economic problems of rural labour in America during the 1920s and 30s. Steinbeck uses setting, theme, characterisation, and a modernist simple style to portray a 1930s American society, which was isolating, alienatingRead MoreThe Futility Of Dreaming By John Steinbeck942 Words  | 4 Pagesfulfilled because their very nature is to move into the future. John Steinbeck s novella, Of Mice and Men explores this theme of futile desire through various relationships and character complexes. This fictional story begins by introducing two men with a relationship built from the very foundations of love. As the novel progresses, we begin questioning innate truths. Steinbeck uses his literary prowess to entwine us within a story of loneliness, loss and morality. The characters hopes and dreams, regardlessRead MoreHow Steinbeck Uses Foreshadowing and Settings Effectively1039 Words  | 5 PagesHow does Steinbeck use Foreshadowing and Settings effectively in Of Mice and Men? John Ernst Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men uses a lot of foreshadowing and clever settings effectively, which makes his novel a great book. The use of foreshadowing entices the reader and makes you want to read on. The well-described settings make a vivid image of what is actually going on and help us think what it really was like during the 1930’s. Steinbeck uses masses of foreshadowing throughout his book. For instanceRead MoreIsolation In Of Mice And Men1092 Words  | 5 Pages Egbu 1 While reading and evaluating Of Mice and Men (1937) by the famed novelist John Steinbeck, the several relationships in the story reveal both true, authentic friendship, as well as the opposite, sad, desperate degrees of loneliness and plummeting isolation. Similar to the people that we come across in our lives, a handful of the characters in Of Mice and Men portray false faces of contentment, yet in actuality, they are alone and caught feeling stuck and empty on the inside. On the otherRead MoreHow Does Steinbeck Present Disadvantaged Characters2537 Words  | 11 Pagesin which Steinbeck presents disadvantaged characters in the novel In 1937, the American author John Steinbeck published Of mice and Men. Set in the Salinas Valley of California, it conveys the story of the struggles of the American people during The Great Depression. The Great Depression was a massive devastation throughout the whole of America where people suffered and the economy was at a huge crisis. The Unemployment rose from 3% to 26% and many people had died, showing how hard theRead MoreEssay on Analysis of John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men2005 Words  | 9 PagesAnalysis of John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men  Steinbecks ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a novel about people, their dreams, relationships and disappointments. The characters are diverse and represent a cross section of society during the American Depression of the 1930s. The novel is set in Steinbecks birthplace of Salinas Valley, California, and it is at the ranch where he grew up that we meet the majority of characters. There are three specific locations in the novel where most of theRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck2184 Words  | 9 Pagesâ€Å"Of Mice and Men†is a novella written by John Steinbeck in the 1930’s and he used the line from an 18th Century poem by Robert Burns as the title of the story. â€Å"Of Mice and Men†(â€Å"OMaM†) as a title foreshadows the idea portrayed by Burns in his poem â€Å"To a mouse†because in this poem the mouse’s house was destroyed in an accidental mistake which implies dreams being shattered and depression along with death following as a result. Loneliness is a key theme in this book which outlines the harsh life
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Medieval Architecture The Caernarvon Castle - 1698 Words
Medieval Architecture: The Caernarvon Castle When people think of a medieval castle, they often tend to visualize a â€Å"fairy tale representation†of something that they had seen in a Disney film. The buildings are usually lavish-looking and filled with whimsical wonder and intrigue, but no one really wonders about the story behind the architecture and style used to construct it. This generic idea is merely scratching the surface of what an actual castle from the medieval era would look like or stand for. From the history of its walls to the drama behind its gates, medieval castles prove to be so much more than just a large, beautiful building sat on top of a hill. Once one learns of the backstory behind a castle and the brutal struggles it†¦show more content†¦2). The king called for a military architect named Master James of St. George to help him carry out his plans. Master James, from Lake Neuchatel, Savoy, was a widely known architect that was responsible for multiple castle designs with regards to important figures during this time. Since King Edward I and his father, King Henry III, had personal connections with him, he wanted to use Master James’ expertise for this task. He was famous for designing architecture at a quick pace and had managed to make various advantageous additions to several castles in the area. Caernarvon was one of the main castles that acted as part of a â€Å"barrier†around the area to ensure numerous conquests. During this time in the late 13th century, the Welsh were rebelling against the English, and the Caernarvon seemed to serve as the pinnacle of this history-making process by acting as a stamp of dominance along with its neighboring chain of castles. The politics during this time period were based off of King Edward I’s desire to conquer, and he made sure that the castles served their purpose in order to be used as fortresses. In 1283, after the Welsh were taken over by the English, the official stone construction of Caernarvon had begun, thus marking the king’s permanent influence on the area as well as the people. Other surrounding castles had also been rebuilt or enhanced with strong defenses as well as their presences. The Caernarvon Castle’s improved
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Rainbow Troops Movie Review free essay sample
Laskar Pelangi: The audacity of hope Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops) is a 2008 Indonesian film adapted from the popular Indonesian novel by Andrea Hirata. The movie follows a group of 10 schoolboys and their two inspirational teachers as they struggle with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung off the east coast of Sumatra. The film is the highest grossing in Indonesian box office history[1] and won a number of local and international awards. The Rainbow Troops was a 2008 Indonesian film adapted from the popular Indonesian novel by Andrea Hirata. The movie is about an inspiring teacher and her 10 students in the poverty-stricken Kampung Gantong in Belitong. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen their high spirits and hopes for a better future. The movie, set in the 1970s, The Rainbow Troops, set on Belitong Island, Indonesia, tells the story of a tight-knit group of students and their teachers fighting for education and dignity, even as they face continual hardship. Fabulously rich in natural resources, Belitong is also home to chronic poverty and educational discrimination. This amazing story tells of a persistent young teacher and her tireless efforts to fight for her ten students right to an education. Together, they take the reader on a journey through the beauty of childhood friendship, the inspiration of love, and the power of education. The students magnetic personalities and unflagging determination are sure to inspire. Here is a movie adapted from a best-selling Indonesian novel. It took 40 days of filming on Belitong Island, Bangka-Belitung province, involving 12 local actors, and reportedly cost Rp 8 Billion. With all the efforts of transforming Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warrior) into a moving picture, will it satisfy readers imaginations? Laskar Pelangi, the novel, was written by Andrea Hirata in 2005, based on the writers own experiences. It is about an inspiring teacher and her 10 students in the poverty-stricken Kampung Gantong in Belitong. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen their high spirits and hopes for a better future. Two years later, the novel became a phenomenon in Indonesian literature. With its humanistic touch, Laskar Pelangi has sold more than 500,000 copies and has won the position of Must-Read Novel in every corner of the nations bookshops and media review pages. It finally overcame the domination of teen-lit, chick-lit and even religious novels, the popular theme of today. Andrea entrusted the filming of the story to respected figures in the film industry, Mira Lesmana and Riri Reza, as producer and film director, respectively. Mira and Riri are two people with high integrity in the movie-making industry in Indonesia. I believe they have a unique perspective in creating their work, says Andrea. Mira, who made a record at the Indonesian box office with teen flick Ada Apa Dengan Cinta and childrens adventure movie Petualangan Sherina, says (After reading the novel) I felt like being slammed and was so ashamed of myself. How could I complain about our movies poor condition, while far away in Belitong there are 10 children and a teacher whose lives are far worse than mine. But they still dare to have hopes and dreams. They struggle to overcome all obstacles with a smile. Riri makes a similar comment. I think the novel is very interesting and it is important it be filmed. Interesting because it consists of many aspects such as educational, social and political issues. It is also important because it has an inspiring effect of hope and not giving up, while living a very hard life. In July 2007, Mira and Riri started pre-production, which took a year to finish. Together with scriptwriter Salman Aristo t hey decided to create a different scenario for the film. Novels and movies are two different things. Each has its own specialties and limits. It is very natural for the movie to have a slightly different content than the novel, says Riri, who won a Citra film award for his movie Eliana Eliana in 2005. Mira admits she has no worries about the possibility of negative responses from adapting the novel into a film. The film will eventually bring in our audience, whether they have read the book or not, just to relax, enjoy and be ready to be affected by different experiences, she explains. The film was shot on location on Belitong Island, the setting of the novel. Twelve of the roles were played by local children. In my opinion, there wont be any actors with a deeper connection to the roles than those who were born and lived in Belitong their entire life, Riri says to explain his reasons for pursuing authenticity. Some veteran actors such as Ikranegara, Slamet Rahardjo, Alex Komang, Jajang C Noer, Mathias Muchus and Robbie Tumewu will appear. And there is also fresh blood to satisfy youngsters, such as Tora Sudiro, Rieke Dyah P italoka and Cut Mini. Cut Mini (playing the central character, the teacher Muslimah) admits she found it challenging to play Miss Muslimah, described as a loving, tender, patient and smart fighter. It is simply a character that differs from any other role she has ever taken. Thats why, when I got the role, I was soooo happy. I kept on practicing and memorizing the script three hours a day and got acting tutoring directly from Riri himself. I also got the chance to meet Miss Muslimah in person, to get to know and learn more of her real character directly, she says, admitting there is also a great expectation from the audience (especially the readers of the book) to see the Miss Muslimah character in the movie. Ive given my best and I hope the audience can accept it, she adds. Film is an form of art with a multidimensional influence. It has the ability to influence, move and change point of view, behavior, situation and society. Being aware of the power of film, many of those involved in making the costly Laskar Pelangi are committed to its success. Behind the scenes Mira and Riri wish the message is accepted by the audience. They hope it will stir the emotions of all those who w atch it. Please dont boast out about how great your country is, when youre still ignoring the education aspect of it, Mira says. LASKAR PELANGI adalah adaptasi dari novel terkenal karya Andrea Hirata. Novel yang awalnya didedikasikan untuk sang ibunda guru tercinta, kemudian meledak menjadi bestseller, dan kini hadir dilayar lebar. Dua sineas muda, Mira lesmana dan Riri Reza adalah orang yang berhasil mewujudkanya. Naskah lengkap pelangi di tulis oleh Salman Aristo. Film Laskar Pelangi merupakan produksi ke-9 Milles Films dan Mizan production. Seprti di novelnya, Cerita LASKAR PELANGI berlatar belakang kehidupan di pulou bangka belitong pada pertengahan tahun 1970 an Hari pertama tahun ajaran baru kali ini sangat menegangkan bagi kedua guru SD Muhammadiyah, Muslimah (Cut Mini) dan Pak Harfan (Kranagara), beserta 9 orang murid dan orang tua mnereka. Pasalnya, jika tidak mencapai 10 orang, maka sekolah akan di tutup. Adalah Harun orang yang kesepuluh menyelamatkan mereka. The first day in â€Å"tahun ajaran baru†this time is tighten for two teachers in Muhammadiyah elementary school, Muslimah and Mr Harfan, with 9 students and their parents. Because, if the school doesn’t have 10 students, the school has to be close. Harun is the 10 syudents who save them. Bu M us pun menjuluki kesepuluh anak dengan keunikan dan keistimewaannya masing masing itu dengan nama Laskar Pelangi. Selama lima tahun bersama, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan dan kesepuluh murid, berjuang untuk terus bisa sekolah meski mereka harus menghadapi beragam tantangan serta tekanan untuk menyerah. Di tengah upaya untuk tetap mempertahankan sekolah, mereka kehilangan sosok yang mereka cintai. Ms Mus named the ten students with their uniqueness and their speciality with â€Å"Laskar Pelangi†. For 5 years, Ms Mus, Mr Harfan and the ten students, struggle hard to defend their school altough they have to face a lot of challenge and pressure to give up. In the middle to defend their school, they lose someone who they loved Film ini dipenuhi kisah tentang tantangan kalangan pinggiran, dan kisah penuh haru tentang perjuangan hidup menggapai mimpi, serta keindahan persahabatan yang menyelamatkan hidup manusia, dengan latar belakang sebuah pulau indah yang pernah menjadi salah satu pulau terkaya di Indonesia. This film full with story about â€Å"kalangan pinggiran†, and touch story about â€Å"perjuangan†live to reach their dream, and the beautiful of friendship that save a people live, with background in a beautiful island that ever been one of the richest island ind indonesia Novel itu mungkin dapat menyadarkan kita terutama pelajar akan penting arti bersyukur. Saya mungkin termasuk anak yang beruntung karena saya masih memiliki kedua orang tua yang masih mampu bekerja banting tulang sehingga dapat menyekolahkan saya di sekolah yang cukup bagus, membelikan saya peralatan sekolah yang lengkap, dan menyediakan sarana prasarana yang saya butuhkan dengan cukup lengkap. Padahal dalam novel itu anak-anak yang bersekolah di SD Muhammadiyah sangat serba kekurangan. Sekolah yang bisa dibilang sangat tidak layak dipakai, pengajar yang hanya berjumlah dua orang, kelas yang dipakai harus berganti-gantian, sungguh menyedihkan sekali sekolah itu. Namun dengan keadaan yang seperti itu para pengajar beserta murid-murid masih dapat melakukan proses belajar mengajar dengan baik. Mereka masih dapat menikmati kegiatan mereka dengan baik. Saya sangat suka sekali dengan tokoh Lintang, ia adalah sosok yang patut dicontoh. Kegigihan dia untuk menempuh jarak 80 km bolak-balik rumah dengan sekolah selain tiu ia harus menempuh bahaya bertemu buaya tidak menggoyahkan niatnya untuk belajar. Padahal kalau saya menjadi Lintang saya belum tentu mau melakukan hal itu, karena jarak 40 km untuk ke sekolah idaklah dekat apalagi ada buaya. Bukankah lebih baik saya di rumah saja dan belajar di rumah atau membantu orang tua bekerja. This novel maybe can â€Å"menyadarkan†us, especially student about the importance to be grateful. Maybe we also the lucky child, because we still have parents who still can work hard, so theyt can â€Å"menyekolahkan†us in good school, buy us â€Å"peralatan sekolah yg lengkap†, etc. in fact, in th is novel, the children who go to school in Muhammadiyah elementary school is very â€Å"kekurangan†. Semangat tidak mudah putus asa mungkin saat ini sudah jarang, padahal sebagai generasi muda harusnya kita punya semangat pantang menyerah seperti tokoh-tokoh laskar pelangi tersebut. Sebab dengan tidak mudah pantang menyerah segala sesuatu yang kita inginkan akan lebih mudah tercapai. Sebagai bukti Ikal dengan segala kekurangan baik materi dan keadaan sekolah yang tidak memadai akhirnya dapat melanjutkan sekolah hingga ke perguruan tinggi, bahkan ia dapat bersekolah di luar negeri. Hal di atas merupakan sesuatu yang dapat saya temukan setelah membaca laskar Pelangi walaupun masih banyak lagi. Mungkin sebaiknya yang belum membaca Laskar Pelangi dapat segera membacanya atau menonton di bioskop untuk dapat memahami dan merefleksikan apa yang dibaca ke dalam kehidupan kita masing-masing. This article will mark my first Indonesian movie coverage, and the film that had moved my interest this time is â€Å"Laskar Pelangi†which literally in English can be describe as â€Å"Rainbow Troops. †What I can say about this film when I formerly seen the preview was this is a film about minorities life in majorities of narrative, acting and cinematography. Based on a best seller novel that sold more than 500. 00 copies in Indonesia, â€Å"Laskas Pelangi†authored by Andrea Hirata has told about the struggling of teacher and 10 students for education in a remote place called Belitong. The beautiful views of Belitong that located on Bangka Belitong province in Indonesia, like you can observes it below by the film images, yet one reason that keep intriguing my mind. Ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s a place that able to bring some of my childhood memories back, a memory of that striking blue beach view decorated by snow white sands and big coral reef, along with it outstanding sight of sunset. Almost 100% shoots of the production were truly taken in Belitong island with real native Belitong children who’s all was the first-timer in acting had involved as the main casts. What the film producers Mira Lesmana and Riri Riza who’s also in charge as the director wanted with performing these native Belitong children is to build naturally chemistry between the story and actors. â€Å"From the beginning we did not think about using outside actor for playing as Laskar Pelangi children figure. So, actor hunting and casting process already we did from the beginning of production,†Riri said. Even these children have no experiences with acting world, but they are very talented children, have courage, no shy to try, and the most important, they could presented main figure at this film†, Mira continued. After hunting and casting process in Belitong, finally 12 Belitong have chosen to play the students character and in spite of that, they also not forgetting to cast the professional actor for the film. 12 big name Indonesian actors also have presence, they are Cut Mini, Ikranegara, Lukman Sardi, Ario Baru, Tora Sudiro, Slamet Raharjo, Alex Komang, Mathias Muchus, Rieke Diah Pitaloka, Robbie Tumewu, Jajang C. Noer and Teuku Rifnu Wikana. As Laskar Pelangi producer, Riri Riza said: â€Å"Laskar Pelangi has unique story, fully dynamic life with appeareance of 10 strong character students and an ambitius teacher which has big and noble wishes. And Andrea Hirata is very important factor why we would make film based on this book. First time meet with Andrea, there is enthusiasm shown at himself. Meet him like watching bright shining sunny, very inspiring†. This film has been scheduled to be release on this 25 September in Indonesia. Laskar Pelangi,†the novel, was written by Andrea Hirata in 2005, based on the writers own experiences. It is about an inspiring teacher and her 10 students in the poverty-stricken Kampung Gantong in Belitong. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen their high spirits and hopes for a better future. Two years later, the novel became a phenomenon in Indonesian literature. With its humanistic touch, Laskar Pelangi has sold more than 50 0,000 copies and has won the position of Must-Read Novel in every corner of the nations bookshops and media review pages. Actually, this was the first book and the global description of his 3 other books on the tetralogy included Sang Pemimpi (The Dreamer), Edensor and Maryamah Karpov. The story which taken place in a small village called Gantung in East Belitong is about the childhood of ten young Malay race children who all of them has a different story and personality but they all have the same condition in live that is poverty. They all join together in a poor school that in a threshold to be closed down if the school can not collect 10 or more new students. Meanwhile in tit there was just only 9 children, then suddenly a child named Harun at the age of 15th with mentally disorder (retarded) sign in, which then just solve the school problem by accepting 10 student in that time. Since that time the entire 10 student has join together in a lifetime bonding and make a group of â€Å"LASKAR PELANGI†. Ikal (the main character), Lintang (the science genius boy), Mahar (the art genius boy), A kiong (the kind heart Chinese boy), Syahdan (who wants to be an actor), Kucai (the head of the class for all the time), Borek a. . a Samson (the muscle boy), Trapani ( the handsome boy who can not be apart from her mother to long, later on he was diagnose as â€Å"heavy mother complex†), and Sahara (the only girl in the group before Flo come). The laskar pelangi all have a deep fondness to pelangi (rainbow) and every time after raining, they all get together in a filicium tree and stared on the rainbow with story from the art master Mahar. It helped a lot that their teachers were very dedicated and willing to sacrifice their own wellbeing for the sake of the kids. Though they are not gifted in the mind, they are very gifted in the way of the spirit and always talked in a very uplifting way. They symbolize patience, hard work and perseverance. Though they were trained only to teach a certain subject area, the impoverished state of the school has forced them to teach the kids everything from singing to physics. Fortunately, through the grace of God, two of these 10 were born geniuses and managed to teach the other kids things of the mind that the teachers can only be amazed about. All of these kids’ childhood is full with happiness although poverty was always be around them, but they manage to find their happiness in it, with high educational spirit they all fight for their future and hoping it will be better than the present that they live on. Initially, Andrea Hirata was trying only to reconcile himself with his bitter past when he decided to write about the earliest fragments of his life. One thing in his mind was to share his manuscripts with childhood friends who had been in the same boat. Living with a lack of almost everything is traumatic, especially for children, he said recently. Its a real struggle to go back in time to growing up in a poor neighborhood (in Belitung), while next to our place was a giant state mining company that had all the luxuries in the world to offer its staff and their families, said Andrea. An economics graduate of the University of Indonesia, Andrea received a scholarship from the European Union, which allowed him to take his masters degree at the Universite de Paris, Sorbonne, and at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. (But) my childhood period lingers within me. My memories of that period of my life are the fondest. I learned then about sincerity, friendship and the many virtues that perhaps todays children cannot learn from their environments the way I did. Andrea seemed to find his panacea when he decided to write. He could not stop. This debut novel was completed in less than six months. Here, I will not try to compare the film wi th the novel version because in actually I still haven’t read it yet, but I hope this big screen version will be resulting as good as the novel version had done.
Monday, December 2, 2019
WordPress Customer Reviews 4 Plugins to Help You Collect Them
Looking for a plugin to help you collect WordPress customer reviews at your site? Whether youre adding customer reviews to your own content/products or using them as part of your own review blog, theyre a great way to add social proof to your website. And they can also help you get those eye-catching star rich snippets in Google!To help you start collecting user reviews at your site, well suggest 4 great customer review plugins. Then, for each plugin well give you a quick tutorial on how you can use the plugin to start accepting user reviews at your site today. 1. WP Product Review LiteOne of the first solutions that comes to mind is WP Product Review Lite. Beyond helping you add your own review ratings in a summary box, WP Product Review Lite also allows you to collect customer reviews from your visitors: WP Product Review Lite Author(s): ThemeIsleCurrent Version: 3.7.1Last Updated: August 24, 90%Ratings 1,313,581Downloads WP 3.5+Requires O nce you install the plugin, you can configure global options to choose colors, typography, buttons, and more. To enable customer reviews, make sure to turn the Show review comment option on:After youre done configuring the basics, youll find extra settings at the bottom of the WordPress editor. Heres where you choose any one of the ready-made templates for your review, as well where you want to position the review box. You can also add an image to go with it:When you publish your post, youll see your own review information at the top of your post:And visitors will be able to leave their own review by using the sliders in the comment form:To be able to move the review box around within your post or to add multiple review boxes, youll need to purchase pro features. The pro plugin also integrates your site with Amazon and syncs the prices (top-end plans). Custom icons, options to import from previous reviews, and automatic generation of comparison tables are all part of pro features .2. WP Customer ReviewsAnother plugin to collect WordPress customer reviews is WP Customer Reviews. For starters, it displays reviews in a format thats search engine-friendly. WP Customer Reviews Author(s): Go Web SolutionsCurrent Version: 3.4.1Last Updated: April 27, 86%Ratings 705,258Downloads 3.0.0Requires You can select global options or change the settings for any individual post or page. In order to enable customer reviews, simply scroll down the page and check the Enable WP Customer Reviews option. Also, make sure you leave the Hide review form checkbox unchecked:From the plugins settings, you can choose the fields for customers to fill up or to display on the submitted reviews. If you wish, you can ask customers for detailed feedback using the space for additional custom fields on the review forms.And once you enable the option, customers can also submit reviews on the front-end of your site:By default, the reviews appear below your page content. But by using shortcodes, you can get them to appear anywhere in your post. Shortcodes also help with many aspects of display such as pagination, recent reviews, or the number of reviews on one page.And just as you do with usual comments, you can search and filter reviews by post or pages, moderate them and apply bulk actions. A soon-to-released pro version will allow template customization, as well.3. WP ReviewWP Review is next in this shortlist of WordPress customer reviews plugins. Its lightweight, responsive, and allows readers to quickly vote with a click. Whats more, you get to choose from multiple rating systems stars, percentages or points (on a scale of 1-10). WP Review Author(s): MyThemeShopCurrent Version: 5.2.8Last Updated: August 21, 74%Ratings 1,650,147Downloads WP 4.0+Requires On the settings page, you can set up options that are likely to be common for all posts.But, if you want each post to be different, you can configur e the options on a post-by-post basis.The free version allows you to choose colors for all elements in your review box. If its more depth you want for your review, you can rate as many individual aspects of the product as you want. And the plugin adds it all up to display the average rating automatically.Make sure to select Enabled in the User Reviews box to accept WordPress customer reviews:Using shortcodes, you can insert the review box at any location in your post or page. Paying customers get more display options more colors, adjustable box width and a widget to display popular or recent comments. Besides, if you pay up, youll also be able to align the box left or right and take advantage of beautiful loading effects.With those settings complete, you can now take a look at how the review box appears in the post. Customers will be able to respond quickly with a click:And thats not all, WP Review automatically generates schema markup to help you get rich snippets in Google. 4. Rich ReviewsAnother free WordPress customer review plugin worth checking out is Rich Reviews. It uses shortcodes to help you showcase reviews on any page or post, or just about anywhere on your site. Rich Reviews by Starfish Author(s): Using shortcodes, you can display the form at the frontend for customers to fill out and submit.Customer reviews do not get published directly. Instead, site admins get to moderate reviews before displaying them on the website.Rich Reviews displays the first three global reviews that are approved. But you can always change this using shortcodes:Final thoughts on collecting WordPress customer reviewsWhether youre collecting customer reviews for your own products or third-party products that youve reviewed yourself, one of these plugins should be able to get the job done for you.WP Product Review Lite and WP Review are more focused on adding user reviews to your own reviews, while WP Customer Reviews and Rich Reviews offer a more general approach to collecting WordPress customer reviews.Have any questions about using these plugins? Or do you know another great customer review plugin? Leave a comment and let us know! How to collect customer reviews at your #WordPress site - 4 helpful #plugins
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Mean Creek Essay Example
Mean Creek Essay Example Mean Creek Essay Mean Creek Essay In the film ‘Mean Creek’, the director Jacob Aaron Estes uses visual and verbal techniques to successfully convey the main idea of loss of innocence; this idea is relevant today to teenagers and shows their actions due to it. The main idea is presented to the viewer in three vignettes; banks of the river, burial site, and taking the police to the burial site. In the vignette ‘Banks of the river’ the director successfully displayed the use of verbal and visual techniques to show the relevant idea of loss of innocence.For instance, the visual technique blue filter shows that the characters have become sorrowful because of the death of George; it also makes the setting dark grey-blue which reflects how the characters lost their innocence. Another visual technique was the pull focus from George’s face to other main characters; it creates the effect that George is the centre of attention and he will be engraved in their minds, as they grow up they will rem ember how they lost their innocence and are guilty for George’s death. Further on, the director also uses verbal techniques.For example, Millie frantically screaming â€Å"wake up†to George, previously she was a polite and cheerful girl. This vignette shows her inner anger and sadness resulting in her to lose innocence. Another two verbal techniques that were used were the Foley effect and Lament music. The ‘Foley effect’ was used on the flies making them louder; this emphasises death and that the swarm of flies are on George’s dead body. The Lament music was played by the cello instrument in the background which made the vignette more funereal like.It shows to the viewer that the death is the main focus and that loss of innocence is relevant today because it shows how teenagers can lose it easily as they grow up and the consequences they will face in the present and future mentally. Another vignette that the director used to portray the idea of lo ss of innocence and successfully developed by visual and verbal techniques was the ‘burial site’. The director used the visual technique close up shot. It was used to express the facial features of the main characters.All of the characters were red yet getting pale; it also shows how the characters were hyperventilating because of the death of George. In addition, the director also used an establishing shot of the burial site, the setting at first was fresh and pure green but as the events occurred the vignette became dark and suspenseful. The verbal techniques that the director used were lack of dialogue and sudden silence. In this vignette lack of dialogue was evident as no characters were speaking, only heavily breathing; it shows that the characters were astonished and grieving over George’s death.The sudden silence technique was used when Millie stabbed the slug, nothing was to be heard for a moments. This reflects Millie’s loss of innocence because b efore the death of George she was peaceful and calm. The vignette is relevant today as it shows how an incident can ruin anyone’s life; it also accentuates that It can change the personality of one as they grow up. The ‘taking police to the burial site’ was also a vignette that the director effectively presented the main idea of loss of innocence through visual and verbal techniques.The visual technique mid-shot was used on the creek it shows that the creek was extremely misty and full of shadows giving the viewer the impression that death is present. Another visual technique was the p. a. n shot of the burial site; this shows to the viewer that death of George was official and it also suggests that characters have chosen the right pathway by telling the police what had happened. The director also presents the visual technique slowness of the water, at first during the day the water was rapid and the sunlight was reflecting off of it.In this vignette it is in con trast the water began to drift slowly across the creek which gives the impression of a tranquil mood. The verbal techniques of lament and synthetic music was also used. This really connects to the main idea as it emphasises the relevance of death and loss of innocence to real life situations today; it also shows that it can ruin someone’s life. ‘Digetic voice over cuts to non-digetic scene’ this suggests that the character George did not deserve this and also that he was different.He also says in his voice over â€Å" People that do not see inside my mind don’t get there are gazzilion things going on†This is relevant today as people should not judge one’s personality through looking at him or by his actions but to look inside and see his inner feelings. In conclusion, the director Jacob Aaron Estes successfully conveyed the idea of loss of innocence sing visual and verbal techniques in the three vignettes Banks of the river, Burial site and taking police to the burial site. The viewer’s learn the relevance of losing innocence and how it can affect them.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Find Out What It Means to Be on Academic Probation
Find Out What It Means to Be on Academic Probation Academic probation is the most common term colleges and universities use to indicate that a student is not making the academic progress the institution requires for graduation. Academic probation often means that a students grades and/or GPA are not high enough to continue in school if his grades or GPA do not improve. Someone can be placed on academic probation for a variety of reasons, although all will be academic in nature. Nonacademic offenses could lead to disciplinary probation. No form of probation is good, as it could result in a students suspension or expulsion. What Leads to Academic Probation? A school may put a student on academic probation because of her cumulative GPA or because of her GPA in the classes required for her major. A single semester of poor grades could also lead to academic probation. Perhaps even direr: A student may end up on academic probation if he fails to meet the standards of any financial aid he is receiving- it all depends on the schools rules and what is required to remain in good academic standing. Even if a student thinks she is doing well in school, she should familiarize herself with any GPA standards she must meet, whether for her major, scholarships, an honors program, or basic academic requirements. The best strategy, of course, is to avoid any issues in the first place rather than unexpectedly ending up on probation and having to work out of it. How to Respond to Academic Probation If a student does end up on academic probation, dont panic. Being placed on academic probation is usually not the same as being asked to leave college. Students are given a probationary period- often a semester- to demonstrate that they can indeed make successful academic progress. To do so, students may need to increase their GPA by a certain amount, pass all of their classes, or meet other requirements, as determined by their school. While there will certainly be pressure to succeed- failing to boost grades or meet certain standards could result in suspension or expulsion- there are several things a student can do to make the most of this second chance. First, be clear on what is required to stay in school. The specific steps of a students academic probation, as well as how long the probationary period will last, should be outlined in the notification the student received from her school. If its unclear as to what steps to take to move out of academic probation, the student should ask as many people as possible until she finds out the information he needs. Once its clear what lies ahead, its important to ask a key question: Are there any changes the student needs to make in her day-to-day life to ensure she reaches her academic goals? For example, if the student can cut back on some extracurricular activities, social commitments, or work hours to increase study time, she may want to do so. She should ask an adviser or a trusted mentor for resource recommendations like a study group or individual tutor because extra support can go a long way in a high-stakes situation.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Personal statement - Essay Example I have many positive personal qualities, I settle in a new place like a duck takes to water and this trait of mine will also help me work with new people and I completely look forward to it. I have also been participating in a lot of extracurricular activities and I am sure that this is going to be a boon for me as well. Right from a very young age I have known that managing resources effectively can change our lives. There are people who squander available resources and as a result, they fail to achieve what they have always wanted to. On the other hand, there are many people who have very limited resources available to them but they make the most of their resources and as a result, they overachieve. I have been arduously working on improving my management skills. Soundpond International Co Ltd was my first company and I learnt a lot of great things working there. It is a textile company which taught me how to negotiate with clients and how to secure orders; this is a very important skill which only a few people possess. I met with European and American clients while working for Soundpond, and it was a very instructive experience as some clients were easy to talk to and convince whereas some others not so. I also have experience of working in the banking sector. HSBC Bath South gate was the organization where I worked as a banker, and it was great meeting new people and learning banking; it was a very enriching experience indeed. Human resource management is of extreme importance. Managers who guide people effectively tend to achieve their targets on a more regular basis than managers who fail to steer people successfully. Human resource management consists of several different things; motivating the employees is, arguably, the most important part of human resource management. Employees tend to deliver results when they are motivated and happy with what they do. It is also important to understand and work towards solving the problems of the employees so as to ensure that they do not affect their productivity. Communicating with the people effectively is of prime importance; he/she who fails to communicate would never achieve the desired results. I have been working on improving my language skills for quite some time now; I got a ranking of 7.5 in IELTS which is considered to be really good. I have been staying in the UK for the last 5 years and this is another factor which has made my language so much better. Time management is a very important skill; unfortunately, there are many people across the globe who consistently struggle to manage their time effectively. Luckily, I have not had any such problems. I have always managed to handle my time advantageously and as a result, I have also achieved a great deal in my life thus far, this quality would take me places and I am positively sure of this. In an organization, it is very important to work in teams and I am a team player. I have always been affable and open to suggestions, which mak es life so much easier, working in teams becomes a walk in the park if you are affable and respect other people. I have always respected both peers and seniors so it becomes really easy for me to ensconce into new groups. Employing new HR techniques is also very important. I have learned a great deal from my University, for instance, I am thorough with fundamentals of organizational theory which is an
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Operation management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Operation management - Assignment Example Top among the priorities remains the element of competition from existing hotels within the region. The organisation must ensure the competition aspect of the business becomes effectively addressed for successful entry into the market. This research seeks to undertake an analysis of the existing competition within the market, and enable the organisation to make informed decision about commencing with the project. This will involve conducting internet based research to establish the market situation within the target region. Competition among organisations can be conducted through different approaches, including the adoption of effective operations strategies. The development of an effective operations strategy involves undertaking research to understand the components and measures of efficacy in operations (Lewis et al. 2010). Efficiency of operations remains a fundamental component of cost-cutting which ensure organisations increase their profitability. Before the development of these strategies however, numerous conditions must become satisfied to ensure the strategies function effectively, within a competitive market (Brown et al. 2013). Operating efficiency remains a fundamental indicator of the operations capability within an organisation. Analysing the operating efficiency of competitors can enable an organisation to adopt better operation initiatives and improve the processes, for increased profitability. Within any market, competition remains an ever present element when conducting business. Successful entry into a market involves conducting an analysis of the existing competition in order to develop competition strategies, which will ensure successful market entry. As a new entrant, the market dynamics utilised in enhancing competitiveness within the market become essential features, which organisations can utilise to compete effectively. Undertaking a competition review enables a new entrant to understand
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Surreal vs. Real Life Essay Example for Free
Surreal vs. Real Life Essay Every normal human at one point in their life wishes and dreams of, and even craves the existence of a utopia, a surreal life. All (all as in reference to human beings, with a mature level of thinking) want a life that offers more of an upward stability compared to a current state of being, which in some aspect may be lacking. Where an ideal life may not include any troubles found today, and offers the cliche of clouds with a silver lining, real life includes not only troubles but also so much more, which provides many nameable contrasts between the two. In one world there is sunshine all year round, in the other a grossly challenging variety, often not wanting to be faced. In the perfect life, there is happiness and freedom from worry and hardships. Heaven on earth, long thought over and sought by many, a truly tempting mouth watering alteration of our existence that is so wanted, yet completely out of reach. Everyones daydream is comforting to dream, take them to this imaginary place where every home is of equal value, every car is built by the same manufacturer, and every family has the same number of children, and includes pets. This is where it never rains on game day, or on anyones parade. Its also the seemingly perfect place, sound economically as well as politically. A dream come true, for most, with an almost euphoric peace of mind. A world where it is safe to unlock your doors, take the bars off your windows, never fears that your car parked on the street will in some way be damaged, and go a walk well after dark. Children can play outside without fear of being viscously attacked, even by the neighbors dog. Where everything that does happens, happens for a reason, but is always beneficial. Everything is just as it should be, because another way would be unknown. All living things are never without, never wanting, never needy. There would be no competition to out do one another; no two people standing in opposite corners waiting to battle over who has greater stamina, or more power; everyone is equal. People are courteous and respectful, and have no reason for malice or greed. Grief and suffering over the loss of something, of someone, would never come, for in a utopia, there is no death, or even days filled with gloom. As a matter of fact there is nothing, and life such as this is typical for this world from our point of view, but expected, and appreciated. Now the dream crushing normalcy, or life as we know it. Without a shadow of a doubt, life is not perfect no matter how outward appearances may seem. What is shown on the outside may be a shield to hide the turmoil within. Actors or actresses, singers, millionaires and even royalty encounter problems that they must face, and conquer just the same as the middle and lower class. Real life offers two extremes; overwhelming joy such as the birth of a baby; a marriage; a gathering of loved ones for a special celebration, and horrendous sorrow like death, loss of love, or any other unforeseen tragedy. With low-lying mediums where the day isnt any better, or isnt any worse then the preceding or possibly the following. Life brings trials and tribulations, which assist us in snapping back into the harsh reality of every day. Even the short spurts of good luck granted to us, the lost souls, are more of a burden then a pleasure, for we all know that one day all good things must come to an end. Happiness, the only comparison between real and the surreal, is merely a rock compared to the mountain of pain. Terrorist attacks, death, famine, destruction, starvation, murder, drug abuse, suicide, broken homes, just to name a few, would be a fictional horror stories told by campfire, and would never occur in the utopian world, which is why they are so different. Contrasting the surreal and the norm is like contrasting night and day. Think about it. In a utopian world everybody would literally be free of the shackles of normal life. Whereas in our lives, people are imprisoned for violent crimes committed and the masses are in a constant state of fear. Now not to be completely one sided, a surreal life and our everyday life have in common, a handful of things. We are not here to discuss the likeness, but the enormous range of differences that make a fairly tale life so desirable. Life grants everyone opportunities, but in return we must give up something, i.e., friends, family, that special someone, ECT, so either way we are, in a sense, constantly unhappiness. In a utopia we could have both. Actually we could have it all. This brings me to a question. Who would want to live in a world where everything is perfect, in a constant state of contentment? There would never be any excitement; from a natural perspective life would be dull; boring. One must admit if given the choice to live in a perfect world described as a black and white movie or a fiction novel, or to live in a world filled with color, the choice would be carefully thought and not made in haste, and all pros and cons would be heavily weighed. Why, because the decision to live within or on a flat plane with no peaks and valleys, versus the spice if you will of reality would be difficult for some, for even though the challenge may be unwanted, there would be curiosity as to what will happen, and that is exciting. Given all aspects, most would choose to live in the world we currently inhabit, despite the drama, devastation, or glory we are never sure as to what we are going hear, of whiteness, from one day to the next, whether it is good or bad and with that we truly experience life. While it may not always be taken accordingly, it is fulfilling in all ways.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Gay Marriage Controversy Essay -- Same-Sex Marriage Essays
Marriage has been an important part of life since the Biblical times. It usually consists of the union of a man and a woman, but for gays and lesbians, it is the union of two men and two women. On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Many conservatives are completely against gay marriage and they have stated that they will fight to have the Supreme Court ruling overturned. Legalizing gay marriage is a very difficult issue for much of society to accept. Some of the controversies with gay marriage are religious beliefs, equal rights, legal ramifications, a fight for acceptance and the freedom to practice their lifestyles openly while society can contend that gay marriage is a bad idea for the sake of procreation, because the consequences far outweigh the benefits. We can concede that the emotional stigma associated with gay marriage makes it more difficult for children to fit societal standards. First of all, there are many reasons that are given to refute why gay and lesbian marriages should be a part of our society. Marriage in this country is defined as the union between a man and a woman, but over the past couple of years there has been much controversy over the true meaning of marriage. For the vast majority of professing Christians today believe that the Bible teaches that monogamy is the only acceptable form of marriage and that gay marriage violates God's commandments concerning marriage. According to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in July 2003, the Vatican stated, â€Å"There is absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family†¦ Marriage is ... ... Works Cited Keenan , Jill. "Legalize Polygamy!." Slate. 15 April 2013: n. page. Web. Mello, Michael . Legalizing Gay Marriage. Philadelphia, PA: Temple Univ. Press, 2004. Print. "Gay Marriage.† 3 Dec. 2013. Robson, Ruthann. Gay Men Lesbians And The Law. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1997. Print. Sean, C. R. . Same-Sex Marriage in The United States: Focus on the facts. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2004. Print. Stanton, Glenn T., and Dr. Bill Maier . Marriage On Trial. Downers Grove, IL.: InterVarsity Press, 2004. Print. Wardle, L. D. . Marriage and same-sex unions, a debate. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2003. Print.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How does Iago Convince Othello to Kill Cassio and Desdemona by the End of Act Three?
How does Iago Convince Othello to Kill Cassio and Desdemona by the End of Act Three? Act Three of Othello begins with Othello having no doubts at all concerning his wife’s fidelity and the happiness of their marriage, and ends with him almost totally convinced of her false guilt of being in an affair despite having very little evidence to prove it and no reason to want it to be true. His complete certainty comes rather from the manipulative skill of his ensign Iago who uses three principal broad categories of tactics to convince Othello of Desdemona’s culpability.Iago’s first and favoured tactic at the beginning of Act Three, Scene Three (the pivotal scene in which he brainwashes Othello) is that of subtly delivering half-completed ideas and ambiguous statements to reel Othello into this body of lies and entice him into questioning Desdemona’s fidelity. This begins when Cassio, whom Iago is trying to frame as Desdemona’s lover, takes his leave from the scene. Desdemona says to Cassio ‘Well, do your discretion’, to which Iago replies ‘Ha, I like not that’ (3. 3. 34).By saying that he does not like the idea of Cassio being free to do as he pleases, Iago implies that Cassio is doing something wrong and going unnoticed, thus sowing the initial seeds of doubt in Othello’s mind. When Othello begins to question him as to what he’s seemingly keeping secret, Iago masterfully uses hesitation to convey half-completed ideas and further snare Othello. For instance, when asked what he is saying by Othello, he answers ‘Nothing, my lord; or if- I know not what. ’ (3. 3. 36) The pause after ‘if’ conveys the idea that there is more to the story and, also, that Othello doesn’t want to hear it.This supposedly evasive answer intrigues Othello and allows Iago to proceed later on with bolder persuasion. Iago exercises other methods to communicate supposed unsettled, half-formed ideas, such as in his monologue in Act Three Scene Three lines 147-157, which is a vague, tangled, and convoluted expression of the horribleness of his thoughts, containing sudden pauses and spoken in the more awkward and disorganised prose form. This all serves to give the impression that Iago is hiding something and to frustrate Othello, which works, since when Iago is done Othello exclaims ‘Zounds! What dost thou mean? ’.It is clear that early on Iago’s rhetorical tactics successfully lure Othello into doubt and lay the foundations for Iago’s forthcoming more concrete convincing of Othello. In addition to these rhetorical tactics is Iago’s use of subliminal influence to win Othello over to his side. Iago makes remarks that, on the surface, are positive, but are actually meant to convince Othello of Cassio and Desdemona’s guilt. For example, when Othello asks Iago why he asked him whether Cassio knew about Othello and Desdemona’s lo ve from the beginning of their relationship, Iago replies ‘But for the satisfaction of my thought,/ No further harm’ (3.3. 97-8). Ostensibly this seems like a good thing for Othello, but Iago is implying two things that would indicate harm: first, that Iago has a curious thought about Cassio and Desdemona that needs to be satisfied and, second, that harm has already been done. Later on in the scene, when Othello claims that he does not believe that Desdemona is cheating on him, Iago says ‘Long live she [as loyal]; and long live you to think so’ (3. 3. 230). Once again Iago is outwardly looking at the situation in a good light, but beneath the surface he is suggesting that Othello is being naive.This obviously works, because on the next line Othello has begun to worry once again. Iago uses another aporia to sway Othello when he says ‘For Michael Cassio,/I dare be sworn, I think, that he is honest’ (3. 3. 127-8). The two caesurae in this line emp hasise the daring and the thinking, both expressions of doubt. Therefore, Iago weakens his own point so that Cassio’s honesty is subject to much doubt in Othello’s mind. Furthermore, line 128 has eleven syllables, by contrast to the rest of the passage’s lines which, written in iambic pentameter, have ten syllables.This extra syllable does not fit in with the meter, and so implies that Iago’s claim that Cassio is honest is not quite correct: the word doesn’t quite hold. Once more Iago is knowingly undermining his statements to inflate Othello’s doubt that they are true. Moreover, in this line Iago says that he ‘dare be sworn’ that Cassio is not cheating with Desdemona. Using the word ‘dare’ insinuates a risk in doing so and, what’s more, this phrase uses vocabulary often used in law courts, which entails a crime.This phrase which seems to intend to comfort Othello is actually a threatening accusation against Cassio (and hence Desdemona). Later on, once Othello seems completely certain of his wife and Cassio’s guilt, Iago uses similar subliminal influencing to beguile Othello into killing the two. He says, as the two are kneeling and promising that they will unite to achieve revenge, Iago says: ‘†¦ Iago doth give up The execution of his wit, hands, heart, To wronged Othello’s service’ (3. 3. 468-70).Using the word ‘execution’ with its double meaning while talking about revenge implants the idea into Othello’s mind that his revenge should take the form of murder. Iago reinforces this shortly afterwards by accepting Othello’s order to kill Cassio, and then saying ‘But let her live’ (3. 3. 477). In this way Iago is influencing Othello to do the exact opposite of the words’ surface meaning by reminding him of how he hasn’t ordered anything to be done about her and, since Othello’s hatred for Desdemon a is currently at its peak, it is the perfect time to induce an order for murder out of him.Iago’s subliminal influences also come in the form of getting into Othello’s head in order that he may be more subject to passion than any rationality and therefore believe more of what he is told and leap to more rash conclusions and decisions. For instance, Iago gives supposed evidence of Desdemona’s affair by talking about seeing Cassio using a handkerchief of Desdemona: ‘I know not that, but such a handkerchief, I am sure it was your wife’s, did I today See Cassio wipe his beard with’. (3. 3.440-2) This powerful visual image of Cassio using a handkerchief, which Othello so cherishes and which represents his love for Desdemona, in such a base and unrefined way is likely to cloud Othello’s good judgement and have his impulses lead him to accept what Iago says as the truth. Iago also tries to get into Othello’s head by bringing up past w ords when he says ‘She did deceive her father, marrying you’ (3. 3. 209), which calls back to the powerfully resonant lines of Brabantio in Act One ‘Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:/ She has deceived her father, and may thee’.Iago’s paraphrasing of these lines serves to convince him of Desdemona’s deception by convincing him that it was fated, and these lines which are haunting for Othello do this successfully. The final factors that render Iago so effective at convincing Othello are his flexibility and competence at tailoring his persuasive tactics to Othello’s emotions and vulnerability at any time, and his brilliant sense of timing. Iago seems to know exactly when his intervention is or is not required; for instance when Desdemona starts talking about how much she likes Cassio andhow she sometimes talks badly about Othello behind his back, Iago stays silent for minutes despite being in the scene, because his plan is going well as Desdemona damages her relationship with Othello on her own, Iago’s plan having previously been set, and the current dialogue does not need to intervened with or adjusted for the plan to work. This is testament to Iago’s flexibility, which is also demonstrated when Othello demands ocular proof of Desdemona’s infidelity.To deal with this, Iago uses Desdemona’s handkerchief which he has just been given to quickly devise a plot which later serves as ocular proof for Othello. Iago here knew that Othello needed to see the ‘ocular’ proof quickly while he was still vulnerable, and Iago’s thinking on his feet led to Othello being even further convinced by his supposed theory. Iago also displays an excellent ability to assess how vulnerable Othello is at any point, and hence how bold he can be.For example, only once Othello is vulnerable enough and he knows that he is safe does Iago first explicitly suggest adultery: he says ‘That cuckold lives in bliss/ Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger’. By claiming that confusion is worse than both ignorance and certainty, Iago is both sympathising with Othello and implying that he now may as well know, thus explicitly suggesting Desdemona’s infidelity in the safest possible way. Furthermore, when a depressed Othello says ‘And yet how nature, erring from itself-’ (3. 3.230), Iago senses the weakness and cuts Othello off, then delivers a long speech about the absurdity of Othello’s marriage and convinces him of this fabricated affair. In conclusion, Iago draws Othello in and then skilfully persuades him that Cassio and Desdemona should die by using an array of linguistic and rhetorical tricks and by paying close attention to Othello’s sentiments and desires so that he is transformed from not suspecting anything to wanting to kill his wife and her alleged lover within three days. Iago uses his own skill and his knowledg e of Othello’s jealous nature to achieve his sinister ambitions.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Importance of Language
Every day and every hour we hear words, letters and phrases: these are the means of communication between me and another person. If we both speak the same language we can connect on another level, versus someone who speaks a completely different language than me. English, my primary language, has been part of me since the day I was born, but another language, Vietnamese, has been part of my grandpa’s life since the day he was born. It is fascinating to see my grandpa going through the drive-thru at a fast-food restaurant.When I was a kid, my grandpa used to take me to Arby’s all the time. He would take me in his beaten up green truck, and we would roll down the street to Arby’s. Every time, he would get the roast beef sandwich and I would get the curly fries. Man those were good. We would go through the drive-thru and when the person on the intercom asked my grandpa what he wanted, my grandpa would tell him â€Å"roo-bee-san-with†and â€Å"ca-ree-fryâ₠¬ . For some odd reason, it seemed that there was always a different person working every time we went, because the person on the intercom would never recognize old gramp’s English, even though we came there about a billion times.Eventually though, they would understand what my gramps was trying to say and we would have our delicious warm food. Time went past, and the world didn’t seem to change. Me being a grown adult and all, it was my turn to take my grandpa to Arby’s, but stubborn old gramps wouldn’t let me. I guess it has something to do with the Vietnamese culture, the younger person was always lower than his or her elder. Anyway, he would drive me down the street to Arby’s and same ole, same ole, he would take me through the drive-thru and say â€Å"roo-bee-san-with†and â€Å"ca-ree-fry†, and again, the person wouldn’t be able to understand him, but eventually they would, and me and my grandpa would have our scrumptiou s food.The funny thing is, another Vietnamese person could easily have a conversation with my grandpa in full-out English and they would understand each other completely. Which I still don’t get. Perhaps you have to be Vietnamese to understand Vietnamese accents, and British to understand British accents. Even though me and my grandpa can speak English, it’s as though we speak entirely different languages. For example, I can easily tell if someone’s from Kentucky versus someone from the Bronx.English is the means of communication, but we communicate in different ways. Someone from Kentucky might call a sprite, a soda, someone from the Bronx, might call it pop. Accents are what separate me and my grandpa. To me, dialect defines where we came from, who we hang around and what languages we can speak. Where is exactly is he or she from? Anyone may answer this question for themselves, the only thing I consider to be obvious is their accent. Language serves the rol e of exchanging ideas through communication in a way for other people to understand it. Language helps identify personal identities through certain words or accents to reveal where a person is from, like New York, China, or Kentucky.Through one language, we can see the blend of diverting cultures. To me, that is one of the most important things of language. The means of not only spoken communication but communication on a deeper level, where words cannot express. Through this importance of language, I can connect with someone on a deeper level through their culture. Like listening to a hip-hop song, I can almost feel the intensity of how that rapper grew up in the projects dodging bullets from gang members. In the end, language is what brings us humans together, and also separates us as a whole.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on The Love Of Christ
A True Love Story Growing up, I dreamed of the perfect love story in which I had witnessed on cartoons and in â€Å"Disney†movies. I always believed that I would be the hero that saved the day, but instead came to the realization that I was the one in need of a Savior. It was not until I witnessed this savior’s purpose, life, and love, that I began to fall in love with Him. This man was accused of blasphemy and brought to trial before the world in which He came to save. He was accused of this because of the many miracles that He performed and the fact that he professed to be the Son of God and even â€Å"one with God.†It was after these events that the world began to believe that He might actually be the Son of God, and that scared them so they decided to punish Him... the one who loved them more than anything else. He was then taken in chains to a room where he was mocked and spit on by Roman guards. They laid Him chest down in a position in which they began to lace into the flesh of his back with a whip that had glass-shards and pieces of rock tied into the ends. After turning his back into â€Å"hamburger meat†He was given a robe, wooden staff, and a crown made of thorns. The robe on His back soaked the blood and began to scab, while being beaten with the splintered-staff. And the crown was smashed upon his head, causing blood to pour from his brow. After the hours had passed of being tortured, this man was brought before a crowd that taunted Him. The robe was ripped from His back, reopening the wounds ripped earlier. A crossbeam was thrown onto His shoulders that He had to carry through the mocking crowd, and up a hill to where there were two men hanging. In between the two men there stood a wooden post in which the crossbeam was nailed to. They then drove nails through His wrists between the two bones that form the arms. Next His feet were nailed to the cross, and it was there that He hung for hours. His la... Free Essays on The Love Of Christ Free Essays on The Love Of Christ A True Love Story Growing up, I dreamed of the perfect love story in which I had witnessed on cartoons and in â€Å"Disney†movies. I always believed that I would be the hero that saved the day, but instead came to the realization that I was the one in need of a Savior. It was not until I witnessed this savior’s purpose, life, and love, that I began to fall in love with Him. This man was accused of blasphemy and brought to trial before the world in which He came to save. He was accused of this because of the many miracles that He performed and the fact that he professed to be the Son of God and even â€Å"one with God.†It was after these events that the world began to believe that He might actually be the Son of God, and that scared them so they decided to punish Him... the one who loved them more than anything else. He was then taken in chains to a room where he was mocked and spit on by Roman guards. They laid Him chest down in a position in which they began to lace into the flesh of his back with a whip that had glass-shards and pieces of rock tied into the ends. After turning his back into â€Å"hamburger meat†He was given a robe, wooden staff, and a crown made of thorns. The robe on His back soaked the blood and began to scab, while being beaten with the splintered-staff. And the crown was smashed upon his head, causing blood to pour from his brow. After the hours had passed of being tortured, this man was brought before a crowd that taunted Him. The robe was ripped from His back, reopening the wounds ripped earlier. A crossbeam was thrown onto His shoulders that He had to carry through the mocking crowd, and up a hill to where there were two men hanging. In between the two men there stood a wooden post in which the crossbeam was nailed to. They then drove nails through His wrists between the two bones that form the arms. Next His feet were nailed to the cross, and it was there that He hung for hours. His la...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Critique Essay Write
Critique Essay Write Critique Essay Write Critique Essay Write: Useful Help If you have received a task to cope with critique essay write, you have to answer some definite questions in your critique essays writing in order o meet all the requirements you professor name you. If you exclude any of them from your critique essay write you are running the risk to get a lower grade than you have expected from your critique essay write. That is why it is recommended to be very attentive and not to miss a thing. However, all the answers you give should not be just simple common answers, which presuppose the answer of yes or no. All the answers you give in your critique essays should be of an extended character. Thus, here is a list of the questions you have to answer while your critique essay write assignment completing: whether the topic of the essay you have to discuss is an captivating one: whether the topic is relevant one whether the choice of the topic is well-grounded by the author whether the content and context coincides with the stated topic whether the essay is built up with the help of the existing structure whether the essay meet all the demands and requirements from it in whole whether it is evident or not whether it is furnished with some examples, anecdotes, proverbs, sayings, or quotes. whether the essay is cohesive and logically connected one All the above-mentioned questions are those to get the answers in the frames of your critique essay write. However, remember that all the answer should be built upon the rules of critic. If you manage to do it, you are going to win a prize, which is A+ grade. If you fail to do it, you will never get the grade you want to. Do You Need Professional Help? If you feel that you are in need of some additional critique essay write help, you are welcome to visit our custom essay writing service. There you are going to find everything you need in order to write successful critique essays, which are worth of the A+ grade. Just visit our site and all the questions you have will be professionally answered. We wish you good luck with your critique essay write and hope that the information we have presented in this very article is going to help you a great deal during the process of critique essays writing. Interesting posts: Writers of Term Papers Term Schools Papers about Gospel Music Term Papers Medieval Knights Term Papers Essays Term Paper Topics
Sunday, November 3, 2019
A New HR Strategy for CCD Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
A New HR Strategy for CCD Construction - Essay Example CCDC is a construction company that was formed in 2007 after the merger of two construction companies. After the merger the company made many changes in the human resource policy. Around 3,000 employees were laid off in 4 years and the company tried to flatten its organizational structure. CCDC was formed by the merger of two firms. One of those firms catered to small clients and other catered to large clients. This main difference had repercussions on the human resource management policies of the company. The current HR policy of the company focuses on flattening of structures and constant feedbacks from employees. The policy is also aiming for employee training and coaching style management. All these strategies cannot go well for the company because they contradict the organization and business strategy. In this report a new HR policy is suggested to the top management of the company. The HR strategy will include the organizational structure and culture, reward management system, job design and employee relation. The new HR strategy will be discussed keeping in mind the aims and objectives of the business of CCDC. Human Resource Strategy for CCDC When devising a human resource strategy it is important to keep in mind the dynamics of the company. Employees of CCDC were previously working for a different company and therefore they had a different understanding of company’s policy. The new HR strategy should be focused on giving the employees a proper direction. The organizational culture of the two companies (which were merged to form CCDC) was also not similar. This must be tackled in the new HR strategy for the company. The structure of the company should also fit the business operations of the company and the same is true for organizational culture. It is also important to motivate employees through different types of rewards. Employee relation is also essential in operating a construction company as big as CCDC. Organizational Structure and Culture Organizational structure of CCDC should be vertical so that employees can report to their superiors in a proper and orderly fashion. The current HR policy of the company i s aiming for a flatter organizational structure. This is not good for a company like CCDC because it is a huge organization. Flatter structures are also appropriate for small organization or they are applicable in innovation oriented businesses. Construction business is all about controlling employees so that they can complete the work that is assigned to them. For this purpose a tall organizational structure should be used. The company should also form a team based structure at the project level. Evidence suggests that team based struct
Friday, November 1, 2019
Project 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Project 1 - Assignment Example Andersen served as the company’s auditor and he consequently issued an auditor’s report that stated that all-financial statements had been presented fairly with respect to all materials and in accordance to the GAAP. Duncan was the global engagement partner for the Enron’s audits. He held such responsibilities as determining whether an unqualified opinion should be issued within the report of the auditor. The main official responsibility of Duncan was to ensure that all auditors’ reports about the financial statements were relevant and true before he could sign them. Duncan held full responsibility on the approval for all business documents and financial statements and the Enron’s annual reports on the forms 10-k that had been filed with the commission for years 1998 to 200 consecutively. In addition, Duncan was supposed to design and implement auditing procedures that were adequate in addressing the total risks essential in the Enron engagement. He was supposed to perform tests and other procedures to obtain competent and sufficient evident matter. He was supposed to properly supervise the audits for Enron (Markham & Jerry 92). Duncan was responsible for determining whether the unqualified opinions were supposed to be issued within the auditor’s report. For the ended years, however, Duncan did not perform his duty in due diligence. He was not careful to note that the auditor’s reports he had signed on behalf of Andersen were misleading and materially false. Duncan had carelessly signed the unqualified auditor’s reports with little concern on observing their relevance. This action was alleged as being against the Securities Exchange Act of section 10 (b) as well as being against rule 10b-5. Duncan failed to ensure that the engagement team audited Enron’s prepay transactions according to the GAAS and also failed to make sure that Enron adequately disclose and presented the prepay transactions in its financial statements. With respect to the AU Section 316, with consideration of Fraud in a financial statement audit, the Anderson team identified several risk factors. Andersen identified the Fraud risk at Enron as well as the engagement team that documented that many risks were available with Enron. For instance, questioners that were prepared by the engagement team demonstrated that Enron placed emphases that were undue on meeting earnings targets. Enron also used highly destructive accounting practices. Another risk that had been identified is that Enron used uncommon year-end dealings that posed difficult substance over form enquiries. The misleading statements that Duncan had signed had some social-economic consequences of that, the financial statements were not performed with respect to GAAS and that his financial statements did not present Enron’s outcomes of operations, their financial position, cash flows and changes in the equity with respect to the GAAP. This acti on demonstrated Duncan recklessness that is a social problem associated with the Enron. Much of the Enron’s quarterly earnings were ascribed to unrealized achievements in its merchant energy portfolio as well as in various technology investments (Markham & Jerry 86). Part II- related party transactions A related party transaction can be explained as a business arrangement or deal between two parties joined by a certain relationship prior to the arrangement or the deal. A business transaction between a corporation and
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Gun Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2
Gun Control - Essay Example There are several points and reasoning about the article that needs to be straightened out. The most disturbing is the justification that calling for gun control is not about the Second Amendment. They are already contradiction in terms and yet it was still used as a justification. The second fallacious argument that was used that also needs to be refuted is the argument that of U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan during the assembly of marchers that "This is about gun responsibility; this is about gun safety; this is about fewer dead Americans, fewer dead children" (Martinez and Scmidt) while it is being hinged on the premise that "More guns? More violence" and "Hey La Pierre. How about this? Keep the Bad guy from even getting a gun!" (in respose to NRA CEO Wayne Lapierre statement as "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun") (Martinez and Scmidt). Gun control was being called upon in the demonstration as the solution to end violence because it is t hought of as tool of violence, it being a weapon that can indeed harm, mutilate and even kill an individual. The advocates and marchers of this solution posit that if the tools or weapons that were used in those crimes and incidence of violence did not become available, then violence will be reduced. While this may seem to be a plausible solution to reducing violence, gun control may pose a problem of infringing on our basic rights as Americans to bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights contained in the Constitution of the United States of America which was negated during the march for gun control by saying that it was not about the Second Amendment. It is because the moment that gun control is cited, it already an attempt to abridge a right that is guaranteed in the Second Amendment is disturbing. If one will subscribe to the reasoning of the advocates of gun control, it was as if gun ownership is equated to evil and that it does not do anything good excep t perpetuate violence. Under this unreasonable onslaught, it would be important to cite how guns played in the creation of America to refute the argument that it evil and that the people we esteemed in history were in fact gun owners. Those who crafted our Constitution and laid the foundation of this country were even said to be gun aficionados. The venerable George Washington, the first President of this Republic was even a general who had guns and men under his command. And he was never accused of violence neither was there a slightest instance that those guns were used to inflict violence and unnecessary force. Those guns that he had were instead and in fact used to liberate and unite this country from the invading forces until our country became what it is today. Without guns, our country would still have been under British rule because we had no weapons to fight and repeal them. And George Washington is not an exception to those who owned a gun that never had the slightest semb lance of violence. Most founding fathers of this country were bearer of arms and almost every major historical event in this country that led to what it is today also involved guns. Imagine the Alamo when its defenders are without guns or Abraham Lincoln struggle to end slavery when his army did not have the firearms to assert his political will to end slavery against the
Monday, October 28, 2019
History And Evolution Of RFID Technology Information Technology Essay
History And Evolution Of RFID Technology Information Technology Essay Chapter 1 Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is the fastest growing technology in the world today. RFID is an automatic identification method that can remotely retrieve data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. RFID in wireless communication has evolved to the great advancement of wireless technology. This introduction of RFID into the mobile communication field has made the world a smaller place to live in. The technology which enables the electronic labeling and wireless identification of objects using radio frequency communications is RFID. RFID is also a subset of the broader area of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technologies. The advancement in different applications of RFID are emerging from current research ideas to concrete systems. RFID and mobile telecommunications are the services that provide information on objects equipped with an RFID tag over a telecommunication network. Tags are stationary and Readers are in mobile phone (mobile). RFID readers can simultaneously scan and also identify hundreds of tagged items. Diffusion of radio frequency identification (RFID) promises to enhance the added value of assistive technologies of mobile users. Visually impaired people may benefit from RFID- based applications that support users in maintaining spatial orientation through provision of information on where they are, and description of what lies in their surroundings. To investigate this issue, we have integrated our development for mobile device. With a complete support of RFID tag detection, and implemented an RFID enabled location-guide. The guide is an ecological guidance in mobile technology. This introduction of RFID into the mobile communication field has made the world a smaller place to live in. RFID is the base technology for ubiquitous network or computing and to be associated with other technologies such as telemetric, and sensors. The term RFID is used to describe various technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. RFID technology is similar to the bar code identification systems we see in retail stores every day. However one big difference between RFID and bar code technology is that RFID does not rely on the line-of-sight reading that bar code scanning requires to work. 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW: The study of this project describes about the application of RFID in cinemas. The main study of the project is to check the authorized member or not enter the cinema using RFID application. We must check whether the person is authorized or not through RFID technology .In this project each person have one RFID card with the ticket when the person purchases the ticket so that person has right to enter the cinema .After entering the cinema the person can check the status whether it is screen1 or screen2 through RFID. Here RFID will read the data from card and compare data base and display the data. If the person is authorized means cinema(screen1 or 2) will open through door shepherd(stepper motor).Otherwise it will give message as this is not appropriate screen please check the other screen and it give a buzzer. Aims and Objectives: The main aim of the project is to explore the application of RFID in wireless communications. The main objectives are to develop a new application using the existing applications of RFID. DELIVERABLES: CHAPTER 2 Definition: The technology which enables the electronic labeling and wireless identification of objects using radio frequency communications is RFID. RFID is also a subset of the broader area of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technologies. RFID is an application of object connected data carrier technology with attributes that are complementary to other machine-readable data carrier technologies. RFID technologies provide strong potential for improving efficiency, productivity and/or competitiveness. RFID market increasing significantly, yielding lower costs and higher performance. RFID is about identifying and handling items Physical Materials Components and sub-assemblies Products Containers Physical carriers People Locations HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF RFID TECHNOLOGY: Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is a technology that has existed for decades. At a simple level, it is a technology that involves tags that emit radio signals and devices called readers that pick up the signal. It was not until the 1980s that RFID applications began to appear in commercial applications, such as railroad freight car tagging, the tagging of cattle and rare dog breeds, key less entry systems and automatic highway toll collection. As there is improvement in the technology there has been reduction in the cost and size, and it has gained wide acceptance in warehouse management and manufacturing. First application to identify planes in world II using radar. 60s -Electronic article surveillance (EAS) used to identify whether an item has been paid or not using a 1 bit tag. 80s first automated toll payment systems. RFID has been used in mobile technology through which there had been a great advancement in this field. Korea is widely known that it has established one of the most robust mobile telecommunication networks. Korea has recognized the potential of RFID technology and has tried to converge with mobile phone. Convergence of three technologies: Radio frequency electronics: The research in the field of radio frequency electronics as applied to RFID was begun during World War 2 and continued through the 1970s. The RF electronics and antenna systems employed by RFID interrogators and tags have been made possible because of radio frequency electronic research and development. Information technology: The research in the field of information technology started in the mid 1970s and roughly continued through 1990s. interrogator and the host computer employ this technology. Networking of RFID systems and RFID interrogators has been made possible by research in this field. Material science: some of the breakthroughs in material science technology made the RFID tags cheaper to manufacture. By overcoming this cost barrier goes a long wayin making RFID technology commercially viable. Mile stones in RFID and speed of adoption: The development of RFID technology can be defined by the following time based summaries shown below: Pre- 1940s: Different scientists like faraday, Maxwell, hertz had yielded a complete set of laws of electromagnetic energy describing its nature. In the beginning of 1896 Watson, Baird and many others sought to apply these laws in radio communications and radars. So including RFID work done in this era form the building blocks upon which many technologies have been built. 1940s World war 2: Many advancements and improvements have been taken place during World War 2. Scientists and engineers continued their research increasingly in these areas. In 1948 Harry stockman published a paper on reflected power which is the closest thing to the birth of RFID technology. 1950s- Early exploration of RFID technology: Different technologies related to RFID were explored by researchers during 1950s. The US military began to implement early form of aircraft RFID technology called identification, Friend of Foe, or IFF. 1960s- Development of RFID theory and early field trials: RF Harrington did a lot of research in the field of electromagnetic theory and it is applied to the RFID. Passive data transmission techniques utilizing radar beams and interrogator- responder identification system introduced by Vogel man and J.P vindings. In the late 1960s sensormatic and checkpoints were founded to develop electronic article surveillance (EAS) equipment for anti-theft and security applications. These are 1-bit systems that mean these only detect in the presence of RFID tags rather than identifying them. Later EAS is the first widespread use of RFID. 1970s: Early adopter applications and an RFID explosion: There is a great deal of growth in RFID technology in 1970s based on the witnesses. All the academic institutions, companies and government laboratories are involved in RFID. In 1975 short range radio- telemetry for electronic identification using modulated backscatter was released. Big companies such as Raytheon, RCA started to develop electronic identification technology and by 1978 a passive microwave transponder is accomplished. Later the US federal administration convened a conference to explore the use of electronic identification technology in vehicles and transportation application too. By the end of the decade research in computers and information technology which is crucial to the development of RFID hosts, interrogators and networks has started as evidenced by the birth of PC and the ARPANET. 1980s- commercialization: This year brought about the first widespread commercial RFID systems. Personnel access systems, key less entry are some of the examples. In Norway the worlds first toll application was implemented and later in Dallas. In 1980s the implemented RFID systems were proprietary systems. So there is little competition in the RFID industry and that results in high cost and impeded industry growth. 1990s- RFID enters the main stream: In 1990 RFID finally started to enter the main stream of business and technology. In the middle of the year RFID toll systems operate at highway speeds. This means the drivers could pass through toll points un impeded by plazas or barriers. This results in the deployment of RFID toll systems in United States. TIRIS system was started by the Texas instruments which developed new RFID applications for dispensing fuel such as ski pass system and vehicle access systems. In the early 1990s the research in the information was well developed and evidenced by proliferation of PCs and internet. The materials technology advances and many of them related to semiconductor chip makers such as IBM, INTEL, MOTOROLA and AMD put cost effective tags on the horizon. At the end of the year large scale smart label tests had started. 2007 and Beyond: Item level tagging is implemented when there are no checkout scenario at large super markets. High value and high risk goods are the first to benefit from item level tagging. For example goods like pharmaceuticals and firearms. Smart shelves for select categories started to appear and smart appliances with embedded RFID technology come into the market place. OVERVIEW OF RFID TECHNOLOGY: Wireless radio communication technology is used by the RFID system to uniquely identify the people or tagged objects. RFID system consists of three basic core components RFID tag RFID Reader Controller TAG: Tag can also be called as transponder which consists of a semi conductor chip and sometimes a battery. The life time of a battery in a active tag is limited by the number of read operations and the amount of energy stored. READER: Reader can also be called as interrogator or a read/write device, which consists of antenna, an RF electronics module and a control electronics module. CONTROLLER: Controller can also be called as host which acts as a work station running data base and control which is often called as middle ware software. FUNCTION OF RFID TAG: Tag stores the data and transmits data to the interrogator. The electronic chip and antenna present in tag are combined in a package to form a usable tag as a packaging label fixed to a box. The chip contains memory where the data stored is read or written too in addition to other important circuitry. Tags are of two types Active tags Passive tags [RFID-tags.bmp] Active tags: Tags are said to be Active if they are having an on-board power source called battery. When the tag requires transmitting the data to the interrogator, tag uses the source to derive the power for the transmission. This is same as the mobile phone which uses a battery so that the information is transmitted over longer ranges and communicates with less powerful interrogators. These tags have large memories up to 128 Kbytes. The life time of battery in the active tag can last from two to seven years. Passive tags: Tags which contain no on-board power source are called passive tags. To transmit the data they will get the power from the signal sent by the interrogator. Passive tags are of low cost and typically smaller to produce than active tags. Differences between Active tags and Passive tags: Active tags are self powered where as Passive tags is not having their own power source. The maximum distance that the Passive tags generally operate is 3 meters or less where as Active tags can communicate with 100 meters are more away. Passive tags require more signal from the reader than the Active tag. Active tags are better suited than passive tags when the collection of tags needs to be simultaneously read. The reader talks first in the passive tag, the RFID tag is a server where as in the case of Active tags communications can be initiated by either the tag or the reader. FUNCTION OF RFID READER: RFID readers convert the returned radio waves from the RFID tag into a form that can be passed on to controllers, which can make use of it. The RFID tags and readers should be tuned to the same frequency in order to communicate. 125KHZ frequency is most commonly used or supported by Reader. FUNCTION OF A CONTROLLER: The brains of any RFID system are RFID controllers. Controllers are used to network multiple RFID interrogators combined and to process the information centrally. In any network the controller should be a application software or workstation running data base. Controller uses the information gathered by the interrogators when new inventory is needed in retail application and alert the suppliers. FREQUENCY: Frequency of operation is the key consideration as the television broadcast in a VHF or a UHF band. RFID Frequency Table In RFID there are two types of bands low frequency and high radio frequency bands in use Low frequency RFID bands: Low frequency (LF): 125-134 kHz High frequency (HF): 13.56 MHz High frequency RFID bands: Ultra- high frequency (UHF): 860-960 MHz Microwave: 2.5GHz and above Frequency plays a prominent role because several characteristics of an RFID system are affected by the choice of frequency. CHARACTERISTICS OF AN RFID SYSTEM: The following are the characteristics of an RFID system: Read range Interference from other radio systems Data rate Antenna size and type Read range: For the lower frequency bands the read ranges of passive tags are not more than couple feet because of poor antenna gain. The electromagnetic wavelength is very high at lower frequencies. At high frequency there is increase in the read range especially where active tags are used. Here because of high frequency bands that leads to health concerns in human, most regulating bodies. So the range of these high frequency systems reduced from 10 to 30 feet on average in the case of passive tags. Interference from other radio systems: The fact is that LF frequencies do not experience path loss and the operating systems in the LF band are particularly vulnerable. The radio signals operating at same LF frequency will have high strength at the antenna of a RFID interrogator, which can translate into interference. Data rate: RFID systems have low data rate operating in the LF band. With frequency of operation there is increase in the data rate reaching the Mbit/s range at microwave frequencies. Antenna size and type: The size has to be made larger than UHF for the antennas of LF and HF systems to achieve comparable signal gain. Te type of antenna is decided by the frequency of operation. Loop type antennas are used at LF and HF and they are also called as inductive coupling and inductive antennas. Capacitive coupling is used at UHF and microwave frequencies and dipole type antennas are used. RFID SMART LABELS: The next generation of bar code is the RFID smart labels. Smart label is nothing but a RW transponder that has been incorporated in a printing packaging label. These smart labels are quick to read, easily applied, unconstructive, disposable and cheap. There are some measures by which RFID smart labels not stack up to bar codes such as technological maturity, price and ease of implementation. The benefits of smart labels over bar code systems started to outweigh the short comings and the cost of implementing smart label solutions a cost effective technology. SMART LABELS vs. BAR CODES: Bar coding system uses laser light as a data carrier where as RFID and smart labels uses radio waves to carry information. Bar code is referred as optimal technology and RFID is called radio frequency or RF technology. COMPARISION OF RFID TO BARCODES: Memory size/ Data storage: Bar codes hold only limited amount of data. It holds just a few bytes as data storage that is only 8 numerical characters. They are UPCE symbols. The data matrix of the bar code system permits the storage of 2000 ASCII characters on a two dimensional tag and these are these are used rarely. RFID tags can hold far more information. Here RFID tags made with smaller memories to hold a few bytes but the present technology puts the upper limit at 128K bytes. Read/write: once they are printed barcodes cannot be modified again therefore bar coding is called RO technology. RFID tags such as smart tags have a specified addressable, writable memory which can be modified thousand times over the life of the tag and this is why RFID technology is more powerful. CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 1. INTRODUCTION:- Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is the fastest growing technology in the world today. RFID is an automatic identification method that can remotely retrieve data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. This introduction of RFID into the mobile communication field has made the world a smaller place to live in. RFID readers can simultaneously scan and also identify hundreds of tagged items. Diffusion of radio frequency identification (RFID) promises to enhance the added value of assistive technologies of mobile users. Visually impaired people may benefit from RFID- based applications that support users in maintaining spatial orientation through provision of information on where they are, and description of what lies in their surroundings. To investigate this issue, we have integrated our development for mobile device. With a complete support of RFID tag detection, and implemented an RFID enabled location-guide. The guide is an ecological guidance in mobile technology. RFID is the base technology for ubiquitous network or computing and to be associated with other technologies such as telemetric, and sensors. The term RFID is used to describe various technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. RFID technology is similar to the bar code identification systems we see in retail stores every day. However one big difference between RFID and bar code technology is that RFID does not rely on the line-of-sight reading that bar code scanning requires to work. 2. BACKGROUND OF PROJECT: Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is a technology that has existed for decades. At a simple level, it is a technology that involves tags that emit radio signals and devices called readers that pick up the signal. 80s first automated toll payment systems. RFID has been used in mobile technology through which there had been a great advancement in this field. Korea is widely known that it has established one of the most robust mobile telecommunication networks. Korea has recognized the potential of RFID technology and has tried to converge with mobile phone. 3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The main aim of this project is to explore the application of RFID in wireless communications using RFID tags, readers , the computer and the internet. The specific objectives include; Study of existing applications of RFID. Expanding the application of RFID in wireless communications. Using the internet to further enhance the employee management system. 4. RFID APPLICATION FIELDS: Transportation, materials management, and security and access control. Currently, there are a variety of other applications for RFID in agriculture, construction, and athletics. Major RFID application domains include monitoring physical parameter, such as temperature or acceleration during fragile or sensitive products delivery, monitoring product integrity from factory to retail locations, utilizes for home and office automation. Now a day we have passive or active inexpensive RFID that makes these kind of sensors practical for tourist applications. For example, a museum explosion can place tags attached to each point of interest so that tourists can receive information about explosion in the right moment at right place. 5. FUTURE OF RFID TECHNOLOGY: RFID is said by many in the industry to be the frontrunner technology for automatic identification and data collection. The biggest, as of yet unproven, benefit would ultimately be in the consumer goods supply chain where an RFID tag attached to a consumer product could be tracked from manufacturing to the retail store right to the consumers home. Many see RFID as a technology in its infancy with an untapped potential. While we may talk of its existence and the amazing ways in which this technology can be put to use, until there are more standards set within the industry and the cost of RFID technology comes down we wont see RFID systems reaching near their full potential anytime soon and RFID is expected to be the base technology for ubiquitous network or computing and to be associated with other technology such as telemetric, and sensors. 6. CHALLENGES OF MY RESEARCH: To develop an application of RFID where there is less human attention and to prevent more fraud. Developing an RFID solution that can interoperate with emerging standards for communication protocols, hardware platforms, and software interfaces. Implementing an RFID solution that is cost effective, leverages their existing supply chain investments, and gives them clear a return on investment (ROI). Preparing for the vast amounts of data generated by RFID. 7. PROBLEMS WITH RFID: Problems are divided into two parts 1. Technical problems 2. Privacy and ethics problems 7.1 Technical problems: Problems with RFID Standards RFID systems can be easily disrupted RFID Reader Collision RFID Tag Collision 7.2 Security, privacy ethics problems: RFID tags are difficult to remove 8. RESEARCH METHODS Conducting of a detailed survey of the various existing applications of RFID and monitoring systems used in the locality: At this stage the study of applications of RFID is to develop a real time application. The study about this will also determine the workers and employer attitude towards the monitoring system being used. To conduct this research a questionnaire will be formulated and distributed to various organizations in the locality. 9. RFID READER AND TAG COMMUNICATION FLOW DIAGRAM: 10. DESIGN OF RFID MONITORING SYSTEM: The design solution for the employee monitoring system based on a selected land size of 500 meters by 500 meters with ten buildings, 3 of which are administrative, 3 are production centers, 2 are general purpose building, 1 is a mess and 1 is the car park area. The designer will determine the best places to install the RFID receivers. It is assumed that the workers will be carrying RFID tags in form of a card. When a worker enters the gate, the receiver at the gate takes his number, records it and stores this value in a database. The time of entering is also noted and entered in the database. When he/she goes to his area of work, say, the production area the receiver there takes his number and stores it plus the time he has entered. Based on all the data collected, the developed software produces a summary of the time and place the worker has visited in the firm. Visitors are also given special tags. 11. PREVIOUS WORK: RFID is a rapidly developing automatic wireless data collection technology. Firstly we have multi-bit functional passive RFID systems with the range of several meters. Recently it has experienced a tremendous growth due to developments in integrated circuits and radios and due to increased interest from the retail industrial and government. Key volume applications of RFID technology in markets such as access control sensors and metering applications, payment methods, document tracking. Previously they were using radars to warn off approaching planes while they were still miles away however it is impossible to distinguish enemy planes from allied ones and after that crude method is implemented by germans for identifying the planes. So with the increasing technology further research of RFID is done using RFID tags and readers which is similar to barcode. VARIOUS EXISTING APPLICATIONS OF RFID: The following are some of the applications of RFID: Vehicle anti theft system uses radio frequency identification system. Application of RFID technology on tires tracking. Application of RFID in automotives. Supply chain management uses RFID in retail industries. Mobile health care service system using RFID. Application of RFID in animal tracking. Application of RFID in asset tracking. BRIEF STUDY OF THE APPLICATIONS OF RFID: Vehicle anti theft system uses radio frequency identification system: As there are many car and light van thefts which are increasing alarmingly all around the world the new guide lines were implemented by the insurance companies, are being set for vehicle manufacturers to make their products secure. A new passive anti theft security system (PATS) is developed by ford registration and identification system (TIRIS) which is a radio frequency technology which meets the new requirements. Working: There is a tamper-proof link between the drivers key and the ignition system. This system is based upon the tamper-proof electronic link. Each key has a tiny transponder which electronically links it to a specific vehicle. The tag which can be called as a transponder contains a unique identification code that is accessed by the radio signal from a transceiver unit in the car whenever someone tries to start the vehicle. Unless there is a proper ignition key with a transponder present the engine will not start, even if the ignition key is broken or bypassed. This is based up on RFID technology which adds a new level of theft protection to vehicle security systems which does not require any effort from the drivers. .
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